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绝对开音节:以元音结尾的 相对开音节:辅音+元音+不发音的e Di vide Bike Surprise Ir Ur Er C Qu X Y J Quarter Sig ‘ni fi cant si g ni fi cant Without grammar, very little can be conveyed. Without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed. 连读的条件:相邻的两词在意义上必须密切相关,同属一个意群。连读所构成的音节一般都不重读,只需顺其自然地一带而过,不可读得太重,也不可音。 She is the girl who I met in germany. . 读 在同一个意群里,如果相邻两词中的前一个词是以辅音结尾,后一个词是以元音开头,这就要将辅音与元音拼起来连读。 I’m~an~English boy. It~is~an~old book. Let me have~a look~at~it. Ms Black worked in~an~office yesterday. I called~you half~an~hour~ago. Put~it~on, please. Not~at~all. Please pick~it~up. (2) 辅音+h 型连读。h不发音 What will~he do? Has~he done it before? Must~he go? Can~he do it? Should~he…? Leave~him. Don’t have… Give her some books I must~have left my keys ~at my sister’s house. She learned to use the computer on~her own. (3)“r/re+元音”型连读 如果前一个词是以-r或者-re结尾,后一个词是以元音开头,这时的r或re不但要发/r/,而且还要与后面的元音拼起来连读。 They’re my father~and mother. I looked for~it here~and there. There~is a football under~it. There~are some books on the desk. Here~is a letter for you. Here~are four~eggs. But where~is my cup? Where~are your brother~and sister? I lent~her~a pen. There~is~an~old man under the tree. The egg (4)“辅音+半元音”型连读 英语语音中的/j/和/w/是半元音,如果前一个词是以辅音结尾,后一个词是以半元音,特别是/j/开头,此时也要连读。 Thank~you. Nice to meet~you. Did~you get there late~again? Would~you like~a cup~of tea? Could~you help me, please? Part~one. Next~one. You must remain in bed for two days. David read the letter again~and~again. “音的同化” —常把/d/+/j/读成/ /,did you听上成了/ /,would you成了/ /,could you成了/ /。 (4)“元音+元音”型连读如果前一个词以元音结尾,后一个词以元音开头,这两个音往往也要自然而不间断地连读到一起。 I~am Chinese. He~is very friendly to me. She wants to study~English. How~and why did you come here? She can’t carry~it. It’ll take you three~hours to walk there. The question is too~easy for him to answer. 连读时发生的四个常见的音变 [t]+[j]==[t?] [d]+[j]==[d?] [s]+[j]===[?] [z]+[j]==[?], miss you [mi ?u:] How’s your sister? [hau ??: `sist?] 失音 1)相同或相似的两个音素以及发音部位相同的音素相邻时(包括在一个单词内的情况),前一个音素不读出声。例如: What does the


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