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PAGE  内 容 提 要 预应力混凝土空心板桥由于其具有构造简单、制作方便,受力明确、建筑高度小、结构整体性好、桥梁下部尺寸小、可标准化集中预制生产等诸多优点,目前在公路桥梁工程中应用非常广泛,是高等级公路桥梁中量大面广的常用桥型。 本次毕业设计主梁选用了先张法预应力混凝土空心板。考虑到时间和能力的欠缺,只对中板进行了设计计算。 在本次设计中,首先进行了桥式方案的比选,确定简支板桥方案后,就其进行了结构设计,设计的内容主要有:拟定截面尺寸计算控制截面的设计内力及其相应的组合值;估算预应力钢筋的数量并对其进行布置;计算主梁截面的几何特征值;计算预应力损失值;正常使用极限状态下构件的抗裂性及变形验算;持久状态下和短暂状态下构件截面应力验算。接着对对本桥的施工方案进行了简单的概述。 关键词 预应力;空心板;混凝土 Design of Pre-stressed Concrete Hollow Slab Bridge Zhang Jingjing Tutor: Zhang Daying Abstract Pretested concrete hollow slab bridge because of its simple structure, easy production, and force clear, building height is small, structural integrity is good, the lower bridge the advantages of small size, and present in highway bridge construction is widely used. The graduation project for the design of a highway overpass across lines, the main beam selected pre-tensioned pretested concrete hollow slab. Taking into account the lack of time and ability, only to middle plate design calculations. In this design, the first bridge for the scheme comparison to determine the program simply supported Itabashi, after the conduct of the structural design, design elements are: developing cross-section size calculation of the control section of the design of internal forces and their corresponding In this design, Estimate the number of pretested steel and layout of their conduct; calculate the geometric characteristics of the main girder cross section value; calculate the value of priestess loss; limit state of crack resistance and deformation of component checking; persistent state and transient state checking under the member section stress. Preceded to the construction of this bridge a brief overview of the program. Key words Pretested; Hollow slab; Concrete 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u   HYPERLINK \l _Toc356565426 第一章 方案比选  PAGEREF _Toc356565426 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc356565427 1.1 方案编制  PAGEREF _Toc356565427 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc356565428 1.2 推荐方案  PAGEREF _Toc356565428 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc35


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