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1. 53, (生命科学/科学假说/并列)Thirteen years ago, researchers studied a group of 25 infants(1) who showed signs of mild distress(4) when exposed to unfamiliar stimuli such as an unusual odor or a tape recording of an unknown voice. They discovered that these infants were more likely than other infants to have been conceived in early autumn(2), a time when their mothers production of melatonin(3)—a hormone known to affect some brain functions—would naturally increase in response to decreased daylight. In a follow-up study conducted earlier this year, more than half of these children—now teenagers—who had shown signs of distress identified themselves as shy(5). Clearly, increased levels of melatonin before birth cause shyness(4) during infancy and this shyness continues into later life(6). ★★★★
The sample of the mentioned study is too limited. (quantity of the sample) ★★★
No direct evidence is provided to show that it is the high levels of mothers’ production of Melatonin that resulted in the distress showed by the infants studied. (confusing concurrence with causality) ★★★★
The author fails to prove that increased levels of mothers’ production of Melatonin will directly affect their infants. (U.A) ★★★★
The author simply equates mild distress with shyness. (U.C) ★★★★
Different individuals may define the term shy in various ways. (definition of the term ‘shy’) ★★★★
Many other genetic or environmental factors will cause shyness in those teenagers. (I.T) ★★★★
25 infants,mild distress 论断:出生前某素的高含量会使婴儿害羞,而且这种害羞会继续。因为研究者在13年前对25个对陌生刺激表现敏感的婴儿进行了研究,发现他们比其他婴儿更多地在秋季怀上。而秋季母亲体内的影响大脑功能的某素产量会因为日光的下降而天然上升。如今这25名婴儿都十几岁了,今年一项跟踪调查发现他们大部分都认为自己很害羞。 ·论断忽略了一个前提,就是某素是否会导致婴儿害羞。论者没有提供任何对某素的科学研究,以说明某素的功能或是作用是什么。论者甚至没有提供资料证明某素是否会对婴儿产生影响。虽然论者说某素是一种对某些大脑功能有影响的荷尔蒙,但并没有告诉我们这种影响是对母亲,还是对胎儿。 ·论断的论据没有说服力。论断引用一项13年前对25个对陌生刺激反应敏感的婴儿的研究和今年的跟踪研究。但首先论者没有提供资料表明婴儿表现出来的敏感一下是因为害羞,我们不能排除这是因为刺激带来的生理上的不舒服。而在跟踪研究中,论者也没有提供有关这些孩子在这十几年里的生活环境的资料,我们不能排除环境对孩子性格的影响。 ·论断的结论很武断。论断某素的高含量会导致婴儿害羞,并在后面的生活中延续。但显然性格的形成有很多原因,后天的环境与经历也非常重要。
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