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This is a love story about ZhangJie and XieNa. This is love This is love One is a clumsy fool who is a famous singer in mainland, never say flowery words, only the most awkward expression . The other one is a happy fairy in the stage, sunny and happy,bringing so much happiness to others. 一个是不善言辞的傻小子,是内地非常著名的歌手,不会说华丽的语言和好听的话,只有最笨拙的表达。一个是舞台上的精灵,阳光,欢乐,为他人带去了无数的欢乐。 The road of love is always full of setbacks,and the love in the entertainment circle is more tough. In 2006,she farewelled 6-years lover,he met many obstacles on the road of music’s developement.The destiny let them meet each other during such difficult time,and the story began from then. 爱情总是充满挫折,而在娱乐圈的爱情更加艰难。 2006年,她告别了6年的感情,他在音乐发展的道路上遇到了障碍,在如此艰难的时候,命运让他们遇见了彼此,故事,便从那时候开始。   In 2007, he took part in the “Happy Boy competition. The gossip about them filled the whole sky, but she still stood out bravely for helping him to overcome problems. Though having been hurt deeply by the evil words , they faced the trouble bravely hand in hand. When he left the competition ,he first showed his gratitude to her in front of thousands of audiences. 2007年,他参加了快乐男声的比赛,关于他和她的留言满天飞,但是她依旧勇敢地站出来,帮助他克服了困难。虽然被恶毒的语言重伤,他们仍然手牵着手,勇敢地面对。当他离开比赛的时候,他第一次当着上千万观众的面向她说出了谢谢。 In 2008,the rumors about them never stop, but they didnt say anything. In order to take care of this hard-won love, we only put these things in our heart. He said , nothing is important but the fact that we have fallen in love. 2008年,关于他们的流言从没有停止过,但是他们没有说任何东西,我们也只是心照不宣,只是为了守护这段来之不易的感情,他说,其他的事情都不重要,重要的是我们在一起。 On 2010,1,31,he told everyone their love which is hidden for 5 years, because in 2009,the gossip that they had been broken up intensified. In the point, he embraced her in front of the whole world and told her ,we will be together. She always appeared in each of his private concert ,cheer for him, as a fans. 2010年1月31号,他告诉了大家他们隐藏了五年的感情,因为在2009年,关于他们分手的流言蜚语愈演愈烈,在风口浪尖,他在全世界面前拥抱了她,告诉她,我们会在一起。 她也会出现在他的每一场演唱会,为他喝彩,就像一个粉丝一样。 With the wonder of your lo


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