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SH01翻译:边城 (第一章: 一至八章)(沈从文) Translation: Border-City (Shen Congwen) (translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam) 一九三四年四月二十四日记 Diarized on April 24th, 1934 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一 Chapter One -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 由四川过湖南去,靠东有一条官路。 On the way from Sichuan going to Hunan, there was a government-built road heading towards the east. 这官路将近湘西边境到了一个地方名为“茶峒”的小山城时, When this road approached the province boundary line of Xiangxi, it came to a small mountain city called “Chadong”. 有一小溪,溪边有座白色小塔, Nearby, there was a stream with a white turret by its side. 塔下住了一户单独的人家。 Inside the turret lived a single family. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 这人家只一个老人,一个女孩子,一只黄狗。 This family consisted only of an old man, a young girl and a yellow dog. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 小溪流下去,绕山岨流, Circling around the mountain, the little stream flowed slowly down. 约三里便汇入茶峒的大河。 Approximately three miles downstream, the creek emptied into a big river at Chadong. 人若过溪越小山走去,则只一里路就到了茶峒城边。 If a person crossed the stream and went over a small hill, then he would arrive at the outskirts (1) of Chadong City located approximately one mile away. 溪流如弓背,山路如弓弦, The stream shaped like the arch of a bow with the mountain footpath as the bow-string. 故远近有了小小差异。 There was a slight difference in distance depending on which route a person took. 小溪宽约二十丈, The stream was approximately twenty “zhangs” across in width. 河床为大片石头作成。 The riverbed was laid with big slaps of rocks. 静静的水即或深到一篙不能落底, The tranquil water was so deep that a barge-pole could not reach its bottom. 却依然清澈透明,河中游鱼来去皆可以计数。 Yet the water was crystal-clear that you could count the fish swimming in it. 小溪既为川湘来往孔道, The small stream was a narrow passageway traveling between Sichuan and Chadong. 水常有涨落, Th


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