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Unit 4;☆ computer-related words ;Write down all the words you know that are related to computers and internet.;previous;previous;previous;previous;网络新词 ;“灌水”和“潜水” Bump: To bump a thread on an internet forum is to post a reply in order to raise the threads profile by returning it to the top of the list of active threads. This is also called necroposting. Lurk: v. Lurking is an activity performed on Internet Forums or Chat rooms that involves wandering the website, reading posts and never actually posting anything. ;帖子:post 和 thread 都可以表示论坛里的“帖子”,往往可以互换使用。 投票:poll 引用:quote 公告:announcement 帖子置顶:sticky/BTT(bump to the top) 头像:avatar 签名:signature 斑竹(论坛里的版主):moderator 控制面板:control panel 表情:smiley;网络亚文化中的新词 ;即时通讯(聊天)软件: Instant Messenger (IM) ? 博客圈: blogsphere 冲浪: surf ? 视频:camgirl n. A girl or young woman who broadcasts live pictures of herself over the World Wide Web. Also: cam-girl, cam girl, Webcam girl. ;垃圾邮件: spam 下载未授权音乐:?songlifting pp. Illegally downloading music. [Blend of song and shoplifting.] —songlift v. —songlifter n. ? 收听网络电台的人: streamies noun. People who listen to Internet-based (i.e., streamed) radio or music broadcasts. ? floating ad 漂浮广告;pop-up ad 登陆某网页自动弹出的广告,现在又出现了一种新型的弹出广告,在进入网页时不显示,当关闭该网页时才弹出广告,这在英语中也有一个词叫pop-under ad Outernet 泛指互联网以外的传统媒体,如杂志、报纸、书籍、电视、电影等 noun. The traditional (i.e., non-Internet) media, including magazines, newspapers, books, television, and movies. ;Chatkill 因为某人“刷屏”(贴出与讨论话题无关的文字或图片等)使聊天室或论坛的讨论停止被称为chatkill,讨论重新恢复被称为“kick starting”或“reviving”。 ;Guess?;In information technology, SOHO is a term for the small office or home office environment and business culture. A number of organizations, businesses, and publications now exist to support people who work or have businesses in this environment. These people needn’t go to the office everyday. They work at home without worrying about their dress and the strict rules of the company. The term “virtual office” is sometimes used as a synonym.;B R _ SOHO — Small-Office/Home-Office


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