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选修 7;1.beneficial adj.有益的;受益的 be beneficial to sth./sb.对……有益;运用;2.adapt vt.使适应;改编 adapt oneself to 适应…… adapt sb.to...使某人适应…… adapt for 调整(以适应目标或需要);为……改编 adapt sth.from...根据……改编 adaptation n.适应;改编;(3)fit 多指大小、尺寸、形状适合,引申为“吻合”。 (4)suit 多指合口味、性格、要求、兴趣等。 (5)match 指在颜色、设计等方面很相配。;3.annoy vt.使……不悦;惹恼 be annoyed with sb.对某人感到生气 be annoyed at/about sth.对某事物感到恼火 be annoyed by 被……骚扰/干扰;4.conduct n.行为;品行; 5.resign vi. vt.辞职;辞去(工作、职位等);放弃;听从; 顺从 resign from/as 辞职 resign oneself to (doing) sth.听任(某种影响);只好(做某事);运用;用所学单词及用法完成下列句子 1.她把这部小说改编成了电影。;4.如果我们到八点还没完成,我会很懊恼的。;1.in other words (=that is to say) 换句话说;也就是说(作;运用;2.cut out 切去;省略;停止(做某事) cut down 砍倒;削减;运用;3.out of breath 上气不接下气 hold ones breath 屏住呼吸 catch ones breath 松一口气;运用;4.all in all 总而言之;5.make fun of 取笑;运用;用所学短语及用法完成下列句子;5.跑了几乎一个小时后,他喘不过气来。;原句;精练;(2)幸运的是,她从父母和老师那里得到了许多鼓励,那使;运用所学语言基础知识,补充完整下面短文,并背诵之 My friend, Tom, whose father (1)________________ ( 辞 职 );(7)________________ (嘲笑) him because he runs so fast that he is (8)________________ ( 气 喘 吁 吁 ), however, he thinks its bad manners to (9)____________ (取笑) the disabled.In many ways his (10)________________ ( 残 疾 ) has made him grow stronger and;说明异同;3.There are many differences in...Apart from the differences,; However, with the development of society, we often hear complaints about dishonesty.Reports with the theme of dishonesty often appear in the media.For example, some people try to get rich and live a comfortable life by cheating others.They sell things quite ordinary at a very high price.Some peoples delaying paying back the loan is another example.Some people, including some college students get loan from the bank, and fail to pay back.;Definitely not.It is always true that honesty is the best policy.It pays to be honest.The cheater mentioned will surely be disclosed and punished one day.;[写作内容];范文诵读:; Many people consider that telling white lies is another kind of dishonesty; both of them cheat others in the same way.However, some differences ar



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