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 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 2 Book7 unit2 robots period 2 Language points 一、key vocabularies (1)test out 试验 test sth.on sb./sth.在某人/某物身上做试验 (2)His name was Tony and he seemed more like a human than a machine. more...than...与其说……不如说…… (3)It was disturbing and frightening that he looked so human. 常用句型: It be+adj.+that... It be+n.+that... It be+done+that...[来源:Z。xx。k.Com] (4)accompany sb.to someplace The robots are not allowed to accompany the owners to the supermarket. accompany sb.in doing Will you please accompany me in travelling to Shanghai on business? (5)ring sb.up , ring off (6)turn around 补充常用短语:turn up turn down turn on turn off turn over (7)The clock struck eight.“strike”有“罢工、袭击、划火柴”等多种意思,在此处指“敲钟” (8)leave sb.alone=let sb.alone(let alone更不用说) 二、practice 1. Translate the following expressions into English. 1.试验 2.陪伴某人去某处 3.陪伴某人做某事  4.让某人单独待着 5.与其说……不如说……  6.打电话给某人 7.挂断电话  8.转过身[来源:学|科|网] 9.同情某人  10.一大堆书[来源:学,科,X,K] 11.更确切地说  12.和某人有暧昧关系 13.从视线中消失  14.对某人耳语 15.阻止某人做某事 Suggested answers: 1.test out 2.accompany sb.to someplace 3.accompany sb.in doing 4.leave sb.alone 5.more...than... 6.ring sb.up 7.ring off 8.turn around 9.have/feel sympathy for sb. 10.a pile of books 11.or rather 12.have an affair with sb. 13.disappear from sight 14.whisper to sb. 15.prevent sb.from doing sth. 2. Translate the following sentences into English. 1.我必须请你陪我去警察局。 2.为了提高他的社会地位,这个年轻人拼命工作。 3.与其说他勇敢,不如说他愚蠢。 4.一转身,女孩就看见了她的母亲正在朝她挥手。 5.我一到北京,就给你打电话。 6.听到那个坏消息后,他希望一个人待一会儿。 Suggested answers: 1.I must ask you to accompany me to the police station. 2.To improve his social position,the young man worked very hard. 3.He is more stupid than brave. 4.Turning around,the girl saw her mother waving at her. 5.I will ring you up as soon as I arrive in Beijing. 6.After hearing the bad news,he wanted to be left alone for a while. 三. Test Give the stu


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