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Unit8 lesson4 Journey to the Antarctic;;the clever penguins;the cute seals;What do people do in the wonderful Antarctic?;sailing;Setting station for researching;Japanese catch and kill the whales there;;Vocabulary;cheerful a. 愉快的,高兴的 distant a. 远处的,久远的 within prep. 在。。。里面, 在。。。内部 sadness n. 悲哀,忧伤 function n. 运转,起作用 patience n. 耐心,忍耐力 nationality n. 国籍 aim n. 目标,目的;on one’s way 在途中 break down 损坏,不能运转 run out of 用完,耗尽 carry on 继续做某事 ;Reading Strategies: Dealing With Difficult Words;Reading Strategies: Dealing With Difficult Words;Read the text carefully. Are these statements true or false?;Read and find the following expressions;Para 4- Para 5 准备回程 prepare for the return journey 感到震惊 be shocked 雄伟目标 goal of ambition 探险史 history of exploration 很快就筋疲力尽 be soon exhausted 食物短缺 run out of food 天气状况 weather conditions 绝望境地 hopeless situation 感到愉快 be cheerful;Para 6 在返程途中 on one’s way back 一路带回了… carry…all the way with s.b. 证实 prove that… 在遥远的过去 in the distant past 曾经一度… at one time 接下来 the next to … 行走艰难 have great difficulty walking 走向死亡 walk to one’s death …的举动 it is the act of… 希望做… hope to …;Para 7 – Para 8 继续向前 carry on 用最后的时间做… spend some of one’s last hours doing… 充满悲伤的信 a letter full of sadness 付出了多大的代价啊!What a price to pay! 震惊了世界 shock the world 输掉了向南极进发的比赛 fail to win the race to the Pole 使…成为英雄 make…into heroes ;Find these words in the text and decide what kind of words they are;Match the meanings !;Vocabulary: Word Building;Vocabulary: Word Building;Word Building


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