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TufLok?/Nytemp? for self-locking external threads TufLok? – ?der blaue Fleck“ Product features Installation (the blue patch) has proven highly successful in practical applications ? Excellent locking effect compared to TufLok screws are mounted either me- around the globe: In the automotive other methods; even if screws are chanically or manually using conven- engineering industry, in heavy-duty not correctly tightened. tional tools. machinery, fittings and appliance con- The TufLok screw enhances productivi- struction, in hydraulic systems, electri- ? Vibration-resistant in every screw-in ty due to its capacity for fully automa- cal and precision mechanics and in op - position.This makes the TufLok screw tic feed and installation. The female tical applications. ideally suited as an adjusting screw. thread does not need to be free of oil or grease, so allowing torque levels to The TufLok spot is also suitable for use ? Fluid and gas-tight seal. The nylon be decreased. wherever other systems are unable to layer presses firmly into the flanks of meet requirements for technical or the thread, so preventing the ingress eco nomic reasons: of media. All-round coating is ? For extremely small screws – recommended for these applications. Coating from M 0,8 ? For screws made of hard materials ? Replaces positive locking elements Coating takes place in accordance ? For screws whose cross-section must which are often forgotten and lost with works standard 900.1. not be weakened during assembly. The blue TufLok dot Testing ? For threaded bolts is an integral part of the screw and It is also possible for galvanized screws


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