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焊接专业英汉词典(2)电阻焊? resistance welding (RW) 点焊? spot welding;resistance spot welding 凸焊? projection welding 缝焊? seam welding 滚点焊? roll-spot welding 连续点焊? stitch welding 多点焊? multiple spot welding 手压点焊? push welding;poke welding 单面点焊? indirect spot welding 双面点焊? direct spot welding 脉冲点焊? pulsation spot welding;multiple-impulse welding (  HYPERLINK / 焊接网 www.H ) 串联点焊? series spot welding 多点凸焊? multiple projection welding 频道进缝焊? step-by-step seam welding 压平缝焊? mash seam welding 串联缝焊? series seam welding 对接缝焊? butt seam welding;foil-butt seam 电阻对焊? upset butt welding 闪光对焊? flash butt welding (FBW) 储能焊? stored energy welding 电容储能点焊? condenser discharge spot welding 高频电阻焊? high frequency resistance welding 冲击电阻焊? percussion welding 胶接点焊? spot weld-bonding;weld-bonding 闪光? flashing;flash 过梁? bridge;lintel 顶锻? upsetting;upset 夹紧力? clamping force 顶锻力? upsetting force;upset force 电极压力? electrode force;electrode pressure 电极滑移? electrode skid 焊接循环? welding cycle 预压时间? squeeze time 锻压时间? forge-delay time;forge time 焊接通电时间(电阻焊) welding time (resistance welding) 预热时间? preheat time 加热时间? heat time 冷却时间? cool time 间歇时间? quench time;chill time 回火时间? temper time 维持时间? hold time 休止时间? off time 闪光时间? flash time;flashing time 顶锻时间? upset time;upsetting time 有电顶锻时间? upset current time 无电顶锻时间? upset current-off time 闪光速度? flashing speed 闪光电流? flashing current;flash current 顶锻电流? upset current 预热电流? preheat current 回火电流? temper current 调伸长度? initial overhange;extension 总留量? total allowance 闪光留量? flash allowance 顶锻留量? upset allowance 顶锻速度? upset speed 电极接触面? electrode contact surface 贴合面? faying surface 焊点? welding spot 熔核? nugget 熔核直径? diameter of nugget 塑性金属环区? corona bond 焊透率? penetration rate 压痕? indentation 压痕深度? depth of indentation 压深率? indentation ratio 翘离? sheet separation 缩孔? shrinkage cavity 胡须? intrusion 电极粘损? electrode pick up 喷溅? splash/ expulsion 毛刺? fin 飞边? upset metal/ fin 焊点距? weld spacing/ spot weld spacing 边距? edge distance 分流? shunt current 接触电阻? contact resistance


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