symbolic象征, 符号 symbolism象征主义, 符号论.pptVIP

symbolic象征, 符号 symbolism象征主义, 符号论.ppt

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symbolic象征, 符号 symbolism象征主义, 符号论

Book One Unit 14;symbolic象征的, 符号的 symbolism象征主义, 符号论;theme song主题歌;In my opinion and in the opinion of most people, it is a very sound investment. 照我和大多数人的看法,这是很可靠的投资。;She majors in maths and physics. 她主修数学和物理。 ;It rained on the day we arrived, but the following day was sunny. ;7. seven-day 1) seven-day (compound adj.) the tenth five-year plan a three-leg table Many students signed up for ________________ race in the sports meeting to be held next week.;celebrate a wedding anniversary;9. greet:欢迎;迎接;致意;问候 He greeted me in the street with a friendly wave of the hand. 他在街上向我亲切挥手致意。 ‘Hello!’ and ‘Dear sir’ are greetings. a greeting card贺卡 the season’s greeting 6 Gone are the days _____ the Chinese people were looked down upon. A. which B. when C. so that D. as if ;10. for What’s English for “公投”?Referendum for against up to be in on like with after ;11. honour 向某人表示致敬;表扬某人 I feel greatly honoured by your trust. Will you honour me with a visit? in honour of sth 出于对什么事物的敬意 a ceremory in honour of those killed in battle 为纪念阵亡将士而举行的仪式 It’s a great honour to be invited. You do us a great honour by attending. 你肯光临使我们感到无比荣幸。 Will you do me the honour of dinning with me? ;12. principle a text which teaches the basic principles of geometry 原则;原理 the principle of equality of opportunity of all 人人机会均等的原则 live according to one’s principles 按自己的标准行事 ;13. The festivals were a way to celebrate history and culture, as well as the new year. Note --- No articles are used before history and culture 一般说, 表示概念性或科学性的抽象名词前不用冠词. 但如果带有限制性的后置修饰成分,应该使用定冠词. American history The history of America ;14. as well as He grows flowers as well as vegetables. She is a talented musician as well as being a photographer. Are they coming as well? 15. unity Live together in unity Political unity 政治上的一致 National unity is essential in wartime.;unite After three years in prison he was again united with his wife and family. We sh


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