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330kV 棉兰变压器安装使用说明书 共 NUMPAGES 23页 第 PAGE 23页 330kV Maden Transformer Installation and Operation Manual Total  NUMPAGES 23 page Page  PAGE 23 PAGE  PAGE 23 山东电力设备有限公司 Shandong Power Equipment Company安装使用说明书 Installation and Operation Manual1DS.711.0923.ASSFP-260000/330 1 主体起吊运输 1. Hoisting and transportation of main body 1.1变压器油箱为桶式结构,油箱的起吊和主体的起吊见变压器外形图,吊绳和铅垂线的夹角不应大于300,否则应用平衡梁起吊;起吊主体时要同时使用所有的4只吊拌,所有吊绳的长度应相匹配,受力必须均匀,严防主体偏倒,油箱上的千斤顶支架供顶起变压器主体用,顶起主体时要同时使用所有的8个千斤顶支架。8个千斤顶要同步升降,严防主体倾斜和翻倒。 1.1 Oil tank of transformer uses upper flange structure, hoisting of upper oil tank and hoisting of main body are shown in outline drawing of transformer, included angle between hoisting rope and plumb line shall not be more than 300, otherwise balance beam shall be used for hoisting; when hoisting main body, all of four lifting lugs shall be used at the same time, length of all hoisting ropes shall be the same and their bearing force shall be uniform, tilting and tipping of main body are strictly prohibited, jack support on lower oil tank is used for jacking up main body of transformer, all of eight jack supports shall be used at the same time when jacking up main body. Eight jacks shall rise and drop synchronically, tilting and tipping of main body are strictly prohibited. 1.2 变压器主体尽量充油运输,运输前拆除的外部大型组件有:高压套管、低压套管、中性点套管及接地套管,冷却器及其与主体的连接管、导气联管、压力释放阀、储油柜及升高座等。 1.2 Main body of transformer shall be transported after filling oil as far as possible, large external parts that shall be moved before transportation are high voltage bushing, low voltage bushing, neutral point bushing, ground bushing, cooler and connection pipe between cooler and main body, gas connection pipe, pressure relief valves, oil conservator, turrets base and so on. 高压引线电缆用白布带固定在附近的引线支架上, 油箱上部定位钉全部拧紧,变压器注油到离拱顶200mm。 High voltage leading cable is fixed on nearby leading wire bracket by white cloth stripe, upper part of oil tank is tightened by positioning pin,


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