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2005 年第 3 期 贵州民族研究 No1 3, 2005 ( 第 25 卷总第 103 期) Guizhou Ethnic Studies ( V ol1 251 General1 No . 103) 清代云南汉族移民迁徙模式的转变及其 对云南开发进程与文化交流的影响 李晓斌 ( 云南大学西南边疆少数民族研究中心, 云南#昆明 650091) 摘 要: 清代内地与云南的经济互补性的实现使云南汉 族移民的 迁徙模式由 强制性向 自发性转 变。迁 徙模式的转变加速了清代云南的开发进程。这主要体现 为开发进程 由平坝城 镇向山区的 推进, 同时, 随 着 汉移 民流动性、多圈层性的形成, 文化的传播与交流打破了由 于地理环 境的隔离或 由于从事 定居农业而 在 封闭 性地域发展格局中形成的各民族群体分割聚居的封闭 性, 在更广阔 的范围内 实现汉族与 少数民族 的交 流。 关键词: 移民; 迁徙模式; 文化交流 中图分类号: K2801 1 文 献标识码: A 文章编号: 1002- 6959 ( 2005) 03- 0172- 06 Transformation of Han Immigrant Pattern in Yunnan in Qing Dynasty and ItsInfluence upon Yunnan. s Development and Cultural Exchange L I X iao-bin ( Center for Studies of Chinese Southw est. s Borderland Ethn ic Minorities of Yunnan University, Kunming, Yunnan 650091, China) Abstract: In Qing dynasty inland economy and Yunnan. s economy. s mutual supplement ac- complished the transformation of Han immigrant pattern in Yunnan from the mandatory imm igra- tion to the spontaneous im mig ration. The transformation quickened Yannan. s development and cultural exchange in Qing dynasty . The main reflection was that ex ploitation of cites and towns in the plain w as spread to the mountain area, and that w ith the floating Han people and the mixed residential style the cultural ex change broke dow n the old life style that each nationality separately lived in a compact community formed due to the isolating geographical conditions and the settling farm ing w ay , w idely realizing the ex chang e and the fusion between Han and m


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