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油菜秸秆还田腐解变化特征及培肥土壤的研究﹡ 胡宏祥 程燕 马友华﹡﹡ 于学胜 项金霞 (安徽农业大学资源与环境学院 合肥 230036) 摘 要 为促进农业油菜秸秆腐解,推进农村作物秸秆的资源化利用,采用尼龙网袋和田间试验相结合方法,设置了油菜秸秆不同还田量处理和不同还田深度处理,研究了油菜秸秆腐解百分率和腐解速率变化特征,分析了油菜秸秆还田对土壤性质及作物产量的影响。结果表明,油菜秸秆还田的腐解百分率随时间延长而逐渐增大,秸秆腐解速率则早期快后期慢;秸秆还田量与腐解速率略呈反相关关系,全量还田的秸秆腐解速率稍小于2/3量还田秸秆,2/3量还田的秸秆腐解速率稍小于1/2量还田秸秆,1/2量还田的秸秆腐解速率略小于 1/3量还田秸秆;在种植水稻条件下油菜秸秆还田深度在10 cm时腐解速度最慢,在表层还田腐解速度最快,20 cm深还田腐解速度居中。相比对照处理来说,油菜秸秆还田降低了土壤容重,增加了土壤有机质含量,一定程度上提高了土壤氮磷钾含量(P<0.05)。油菜秸秆还田对水稻作物有明显增产作用,无秸秆还田的对照处理水稻产量为7725,而实行秸秆还田处理的水稻产量与对照处理的水稻产量差异显著(P<0.01),增产幅度在6.02%-21.17%之间。该研究可为调控油菜秸秆还田腐解速度,改善农业生态环境提供参数依据。 关键词 油菜秸秆 还田量 还田深度 腐解百分率 腐解速率 土壤养分 水稻产量 中图分类号:S141.4 S147.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号: Decomposition Characteristics of Returned Rapeseed Straw and Its Effect on Soil Fertility HU Hong-Xiang,CHENG Yan,MA You-Hua,YU Xue-Sheng,XIANG Jin-Xia ( School of Resources and Environment, Anhui Agricultural University, Hefei 230036, China) Abstract To promote decomposition of agricultural rapeseed straw and resources utilization of rural crop straw, different treatments (include varied amounts of straw, depths to be buried in soil) of soil with returned rapeseed straw were conducted by using the method of nylon net bag and field trials. The decomposition characteristics of returned rapeseed straw and the effect of returned rapeseed straw on soil fertility and crop yield were studied. The results showed that the decomposition ratio of rapeseed straw increased with time and the decomposition rate of rapeseed straw was faster in the early stage and then slowed down until the final stage. Straw decomposition rate was negatively correlated with the amounts of returned rapeseed straw. The decomposition rate of the whole amount was < the rate of 2/3 amount < the rate of 1/2 amount < the rate of 1/3 amount. The decomposition rate of rapeseed straw on the soil surface was faster than that buried 20cm below the soil surface, which is also faster than that 10cm below the soil surface. Straw returning improved soi



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