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第 37 卷 第 3 期 林 业 调 查 规 划 Vol. 37 No. 3
2012 年 6 月 Forest Inventory and Planning Jun. 2012
doi? 10. 3969 /j. issn. 1671-3168. 2012. 03. 007
不同配方下甘蔗渣堆肥腐熟进程 “C /N 比值”变化特征
舒成伟1 ,聂艳丽2 ,陆 斌2
? 1. 景谷傣族彝族自治县林业技术推广中心,云南 景谷 666400?
2. 云南省林业技术推广总站,云南 昆明 650224?
摘要? 试验通过对不同配方甘蔗渣堆肥腐熟进程的“C /N 比值”变化特征分析及堆肥后的基质的理化性状的测定,
筛选出适宜的育苗基质配方。结果表明? 基质配方 6#、7#在理论上最为理想,即以地面堆沤方式,粪肥占堆体积的
10% 或者每立方米加入 1 kg 尿素,C /N 比值在 15 ~ 20,且能满足育苗需要的理化性质要求。理想配方的容重在
0. 5 ~ 0. 8 g /ml 范围内,总孔隙度 70% ~ 90% ,持水孔隙度不低于 50% 。
关键词? 甘蔗渣堆肥? 腐熟进程 C /N 比值? 育苗基质
中图分类号? S714. 2 文献标识码? A 文章编号? 1671-3168? 2012? 03-0030-05
Characteristics of “C /N Ratio”in the Different Formula
of Bagasse Compost
SHU Cheng-wei1 ,NIE Yan-li2 ,LU Bin2
? 1. Jinggu County Forestry Technology Promotion Center,Jinggu,Yunnan 666400,China?
2. Yunnan Forestry Technology Promotion Center,Kunming 650204,China?
Abstract? The experiment to get the most suitable substrate formula was carried out by analyzing the
characteristics of“C /N ratio”in different formula of bagasses compost and physicochemical properties of
bagasse compost. The result showed that formula 6# and 7# were the best in theory by the mean of com-
posting on the ground in the condition of experiment,composted with 10% manure or with 1kg urea in 1
m3 pile,“C /N ratio”ranged between 15 and 20,
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