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研究:小学数学成绩好长大后工资收入高 2014年01月08日14:38?? HYPERLINK / \t _blank 沪江英语? HYPERLINK /yeshj?zwm=news 微博 ?? HYPERLINK /kids/2014-01-08/143878724.shtml \l J_Comment_Wrap#J_Comment_Wrap 我有话说  HYPERLINK javascript:void(0)   HYPERLINK javascript:void(0); \o 减小字号  HYPERLINK javascript:void(0); \o 加大字号  小学数学好长大工资收入高   讨厌数学的同学们!噩耗来了!根据调查,10岁时擅长数学的孩子到30岁时的平均年收入要比不擅长数学的孩子高2100英镑。不爱数学的孩子们,现在你们还敢在数学课上开小差吗?   A pupil who scores highly in the subject can expect to receive around £2,100 extra each year by the time they reach 30, it was claimed。   据悉,在数学学科上表现优异的小学生,长大后到达30岁时,平均每年的收入会比其他人高出2100英镑。   The report by the Institute for Fiscal Studies found that a decent grasp of maths at the age of 10 could add more than seven per cent to a child’s eventual earning power。   英国财政研究学会的一份报告显示,10岁时对数学知识的良好理解会让孩子最终的工资提高7%。   Researchers also found evidence of a wage premium for schoolchildren with good reading skills, although the effect was considerably less marked than for maths。   研究者也发现,有证据能表明阅读能力好的小学生将来工资也会更高,不过阅读能力对工资的影响比起数学来说要小一些。   The disclosure underlines the importance of ensuring that pupils have a good understanding of adding, subtracting and dividing by the time they leave primary school。   这份报告中的发现强调了小学生在离校前掌握加减乘除运算的重要性。   It comes after figures showed one-in-six pupils failed to reach the basic standard expected for their age group by the time they started secondary education last year。   在此报告之前还有一组数据,该数据显示六分之一的小学生在去年进入中学时并没有达到同龄孩子所应达到的基本水平。   The Government has now unveiled a radical overhaul of the primary maths curriculum in an attempt to drive up standards。   英国政府已经宣布将对小学数学课程进行彻底整顿,提高小学生的数学水平。   Claire Crawford, IFS researcher, who carried out the study, said: “Our research shows that maths skills developed during primary school continue to matter for earnings 20-to-30 years down the line。”   财政研究学会研究员克莱尔-克劳福德这项调查的主导者,他说:“我们的研究显示,小学期间的数学水平会一直影响到未来20到30年的收入。”   The research looked at the link between the reading and maths score of pupils born in April 1970 at the


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