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A true story;Free talk;Key words&expressions;Key words&expressions;Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs /dw :f/;Little Red Riding Hood Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her grandmother. 小红帽去探望她的外婆.;The Frog Prince;The Emperors New Clothes;An Ugly Duckling;Aquamarine /,?kw?m?ri:n/;2. happen 1) v. 发生 What happened? A strange thing happened to a friend of mine a year ago. 一年之前,一件希奇的事发生在我的一位朋友身上。 2) v. 碰巧,恰好(to) I happened to meet her on my way home. 在回家的路上,我碰巧遇见了她。 I happen to know that professor. 我正好熟悉那位教授。;3. thief n.贼 复数: thieves A World without Thieves;4. enter v. ①进入,穿入 enter the room 他们进入了房子后,就去了餐厅。 After they had entered the house, they went into the dining room. ②参加,加入 enter the Party Four students from our university entered the final contest. 我们大学的4名学生进入了竞赛的决赛。 ③输入 enter into the computer;5. dark adj. ①黑暗的 too dark ②深色的 dark blue ③阴暗的 dark future-- bright future n. 黄昏,黑夜 at dark in the dark;the D-Ages 欧洲中 世纪 keep it dark 保守秘密 a dark chapter in a book 书中难懂的一章 in ones dark days 在不得意时 a dark face 忧郁的脸 in a dark temper [humour] 十分不高兴 It is a dark secret. 这是十分秘密的事。 ;idiom ;6. torch n. ①手电筒 turn on/ off the torch ②火炬 light the torch;7. voice n. ①声音 in an angry voice ②意见 speak out my voice lose one’s voice 失音 raise one’s voice voice 表示人说话时嗓子发出的声音 sound 表示世间万物的声音 the sound of music 音乐之声 noise表示杂音,不悦人的声音 ;8. parrot n. 鹦鹉;Language points;3、It happened to a friend of mine a year ago. happen to sb./sth. 发生在某人身上/某物上(通常是不好的事) What happened to your car? 双重所有格:a friend of mine = my friend; a friend of my father’s = my father’s friend a friend of mine相当于one of my friends,但前者比后者显得更为亲切。;4、While my friend, George, was reading in bed, two thieves climbed into his kitchen. George, 同位语,补充说明my friend。 climb into 爬进。 5、After they had entered the house, they went into the dining room. =They had entered the house before th


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