MPA公共管-理第一讲 概论.ppt

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MPA公共管-理第一讲 概论

公共管理学 第一讲:概论;教材;Shafritz, Jay M., Albert C. Hyde, and Sandra J. Parkes, eds. 2004. Classics of Public Administration. 中国人民大学出版社2004年版 ; 本书是一本在学界享有盛誉的著作,六次再版表明了它的魅力。本书涉及了公共行政的范式、行政人员的多重职能、当代公共行政的核心价值等公共行政领域的主要问题,并采用独特的构架,将概念与案例结合在一起,有利于研究人员检验理论与实践的关系。在本次必威体育精装版版中,案例研究和阅读材料紧跟时代潮流,及时反映了公共行政领域中的新思想和新发展,并以阅读材料、参考书目等多种方式帮助读者学习。 ;亨利:公共行政与公共事务;公共行政学:管理、政治和法律的途径 ;罗伯特登哈特:公共组织理论,中国人民大学出版社2003年版;Why Public Administration?;Ironically, public administration may well be the “core of modern government”, but “it” seemingly continues to elude the grasp of the best minds who attempt to theorize and to define what “it” is. How can a theorist reasonably and concisely define a field so interrelated with all of society? ;Public administration can be best identified with the executive branch of government. Public administration as a field is mainly concerned with the means for implementing political values. Public administration……is the action part of government, the means by which the purposes and goals of government are realized. Public administration is the production of goods and services designed to serve the needs of citizens-consumers. Public Administration is concerned with the management of public programs. ;Waldo: Elephantine Problem ;*;*;*;*;*;*;*;管理并不是某种中性的、技术的过程,相反,它是一种紧密的并且无法摆脱同政治、法律和广泛的市民社会纠缠在一起的活动。 The managerial approach to public administration 与执行职能相联,强调公共组织的管理和组织。 The political approach to public administration 与政府的立法职能相关,强调对宪法权力的保障,如回应性等。 The legal approach to public administration 与司法职能相关,强调管理者有具体情境对法律的应用和实施。 ;*; Yes Minister is a satirical British sitcom written by Antony Jay and Jonathan Lynn that was first transmitted by BBC Television between 1980–1982 and 1984, split over three seven-episode series. The sequel, Yes, Prime Minister, ran from 1986 to 1988. In total there were 38 episodes—of which all but one lasted half an hour. ;这部戏牵涉到英国的政治体制,主要矛盾是政客和文官之间的斗争。英国的官僚分两种:政务官和事务官(文官),文官有独立体系,不随政党进退,维持政府日常事务,有相当大的权力。文官制度到80年代已经露出严重的弊端,对政府的效率低下、官僚主义负有很大责任,这部戏可以说矛头尖锐、直指时弊


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