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每日一句:2016考研英语第一百二十一句 The male initiative in courtship is a pretty indiscriminate affair, something that is tried on with any remotely plausible woman who comes within range and, of course, with all degrees of tentativeness. 词汇突破:courtship 求爱期 Initiative 主动性; Indiscriminate不加选择的,不分青红皂白的; 随意的,任性的,任意的; try on 耍花招, 哄骗 remotely plausible 不合理的 tentativeness 试探性的 主干识别:The male initiative in courtship is apretty indiscriminate affair 其他成分: something thatis tried on with any remotely plausible woman who comes within range and, ofcourse, with all degrees of tentativeness. (something 前面句子的同位语,后面加上定语从句) 参考译文: 男性在求爱时的主动是一件很随意之事, 就是哄骗和戏弄那些进入他们视野而没有合理借口的女人,当然这一切都只是试探性的程度。 说明: 这个句子难是在单词上,还有就翻译为中文上。同时这句话对于男人确实是非常不好的评价,有一定道理,不过好男人应该还是有的。碰了很多渣男以后总是会遇到的,不过说不定这个人之前也是个渣男。 每日一句:2016考研英语第一百二十二句 Today, professors routinely treat the progressive interpretation of history and progressive public policy as the proper subject of study while portraying conservative or classical liberal ideas such as free markets, self-reliance and a distrust of central planning as falling outside the boundaries of routine, and sometimes legitimate, intellectual investigation. 切分和简化过后是这样的: 1)Professors treat(认为) A as(是) B. while 2) Professors portrait(认为) C as(是) D 1句和2句之间的关系是转折关系; B=the proper subject of study (正面评价) 所以可以知道教授对于A是正面评价; 那么教授对于C那就是负面评价了啊; 想明白了吧!? 今天的句子: It’s an interactive feature that lets visitors key in job criteria suchas location, title, and salary, then E-mails them when a matching position is posted in the database. 【词汇突破】interactivefeature 互动特征 criteria 标准,条件 matching position 匹配职位 database 数据库 【主干识别】主干部分为强调句式,去掉强调格式后,为An interactive feature lets visitors key in job criteria thenE-mails them.并列谓语 lets 和emails 【其他成分】such aslocation, title, and salary 后置定语;when a matching position is posted in the database.状语从句。 【难点揭秘】强调句式;并列谓语such as 做后置定语使两个动词的识别出现困难,且后一个动词为常见的名词被活用为名词。 【译文赏析】正是这种交互式的特征使得访客可以键入自己的求职要求,比如地点、职务和薪水,当数据库里张贴出相应的职位时这种互动性的特征又可以给访问者发送电子邮件通知他们。 每日一句:2016考研英语第一百二十三句 这是经济学人上写俄罗斯


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