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本 科 毕 业 设 计 基于51单片机的DDS波形发生器设计 Design of DDS Waveform Generator Based on 51 SCM 学 院: 电子工程学院 专业班级: 电子信息工程 电子064 学生姓名: 陈伯昌 学 号: 030611403 指导教师: 杨明(讲师)  2010 年 6 月 毕业设计中文摘要 基于51单片机的DDS波形发生器设计 摘 要:基于DDS技术的信号发生器是随着不断进步的计算机技术和微电子技术在测量仪器中的应用而形成和发展起来的一类新型信号源。此种信号发生器具有输出频率稳定、准确,波形质量好和输出频率范围宽等一系列独特的优点,是信号发生器研究的一个重要方向。DDS技术是一种先进的频率合成技术,其主要优点是易于程控,相位连续,输出频率稳定度高,分辨率高。本文详细讨论了DDS系统的基本组成、工作原理和特点。 本系统选用Altera公司的DDS芯片AD9835,文中介绍AD9835的结构、特点及使用方法,并详细讨论了AD9835在DDS技术实现中的具体应用。最后,作者应用DDS技术研制了一个实际的信号发生器,并给出了基于DDS技术的信号发生器的电路框图,设计过程和详细的软件程序。通过样机的测试结果,证明本信号发生器达到了预期的设计要求,其性能指标明显优于传统的函数发生器。论文结尾对DDS技术和信号发生器技术的发展作了进一步展望。 关键词:直接数字频率合成;信号发生器;AD9835;AT89C51 毕业设计外文摘要 Design of DDS Waveform Generator Based on 51 SCM Abstract: With the development of the technique of computer and microelectronics,a new single generator based on DDS comes into being. This single generator has a series of particular virtues, including the stable frequency of output, high quality waveform and wide modulation bandwidth, which is an important trend of study of single generator. DDS is an advanced technique on frequency synthesis, whose primary advantages are controlling facility, continuous phase and fine frequency resolution. This paper introduces in detail the composition, the working principle and the properties of DDS. In this paper, Altera AD9835 is select to realize DDS. The frame, specialty and using of AD9835 are discussed in detail. Finally, the author has research and developed a signal generator with the technique of DDS. The circuit framework, designing method and detail software procedure are given in this paper. The result of experimentation proves that this signal generator has excelled traditional function and attained the desire of design. In the end of this paper, the prospect of the development of DDS and signal generator is given. Keywords: DDS; signal generator; AD9835; AT89C51 目 录 1 绪论…………


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