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E-Model Electron-beam Evaporator PAGE  PAGE 12 E-Model Electron-beam Evaporator (Electron Gun) Operating Instructions Chengdu Nanyi Electronic Electric Co., Ltd. Table of Contents Overview Main Technical Parameters Structural Description Method of Use and Precaution Trouble-shooting Spare Parts E-Model Electron-beam evaporator source One. Overview This evaporator source is a magnetic deflection -type E model electron evaporation device with crucible driven by motor directly, and electron beam deflection angle of 270o, for vaporization coating various metallic and non-metallic materials. Two: Major Technical Parameters 1. Electron beam deflection angle 270o 2. Anode voltage 6KV, 8KV 3. Cathode heating power AC 3V+3V, 60A (adjustable) 4. beam flux indirect cooling 0~500mA direct cooling 0~1A 5. Crucible capacity (standard) 4-hole indirect cooling 4×17 mL 4-hole direct cooling 4×22 mL Ring-shape direct cooling 85 mL 6. Magnetic field power supply X deflecting current ±2A(adjustable) scanning frequency 10~250HZ Y deflecting current ±2A(adjustable) scanning frequency 10~250HZ 7. Startup degree of vacuum 6.7×10-3Pa 8. Crucible positioning (4-hole crucible) electric automatic control or manual point control 9. Crucible cooling water Feed water temperature ≤25℃ Feed water pressure ≥0.2MPa Water flow ≥8L/min 10. Ground resistance of electron gun ≤4Ω Three. Structural Description Electron gun The electron gun is the part generating electron beam, composed by straight-line spiral tungsten cathode, grid electrode and anode. It adopts negative high-voltage for accelerating voltage, anode ground potential, and same negative potential for cathode and grid electrode. The electrons are generated as a result of AC power heating of cathode. Affecte


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