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黄河科技学院毕业设计说明书 第  PAGE 21 页 PAGE  黄河科技学院毕业设计说明书 第  PAGE 1 页 具有时间识别功能的门锁报警器的设计 摘 要 随着时代的不断进步,人们生活水平得到了很大的改善,对自己所处环境的安全性提出了更高的要求,尤其是家居安全方面不得不时时留意那些不速之客。许多小区、家庭都安装了报警系统,所以具有时间识别功能的门锁报警器得到了广泛的应用。门锁报警器主要是根据开门时间来判断是主人还是小偷。主人开门时正常开门,一般在30s内可完成,它不会报警,而陌生人或小偷撬门不是正常的开门,通常费时较长,一旦时间超过30s,它就会自动发出报警声,具有较大的实用价值。 本设计主要采用触摸电极片和555时基电路,结合一些电阻电路产生报警信号,然后放大输出。触摸式延时识别门锁报警器电路由报警触摸信号输入与报警声延续时间控制电路、报警声触发与开锁时间定时电路和报警声发声与输出电路组成。它们的组成元器件有:传感器、NE555时基发生器、放大器和扬声器等。本系统功能实用、节能,使用灵活性好,安全系数高,适用范围广,生产成本低, 因此,该类门锁报警器有望成为锁业的主流产品。 关键词:时间控制能力,门锁报警器,NE555时基发生器,放大器,扬声器 Has the time recognition function locks alarm design Abstract As the times continued progress, peoples living standards have been greatly improved environment and security of the sets higher demands, especially the home safety have to constantly pay attention to the unexpected guests. Many communities and families installed alarm system, and therefore have time to lock alarm recognition has been widely used. Locks alarm is mainly based on the time to judge is the owner or the thief. When the owner opened the door normally and completed within 30s, it does not alarm, but a stranger or a thief breaking open the door is not normal, usually takes longer, if more than 30s, it will automatically sound an alarm, with more great practical value. The design mainly uses the touch electrode and 555 time-base circuit, combined with some resistance circuit produces alarm signals, then amplified output. Touch delay recognition door lock alarm signal circuit from the alarm input and alarm touch duration control circuit, alarm trigger, and lock time audible alarm timer circuit and the output circuit. The composition of their components are: sensors, NE555 time base generator, amplifiers and loud speakers. The system functional and practical, energy saving, use of good flexibility, high safety factor, for a wide range of low cost, that such a lock alarm lock industry is expected



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