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PAGE  PAGE 6 请大家迅速入座,我们的毕业典礼马上就要开始了。 各位来宾、各位老师、各位同学,大家上午好。 Teachers, students, parents and honored guests: Good Morning 2010年对中国来说是意义非凡的一年。5月1日,举世瞩目的世博会在上海召开,这是中国人的盛会,也是全世界的盛会!今天,6月11日,xx国际学校又一届毕业生们经过多年的努力学习,终于圆满完成了学业,将要踏上一段新的人生旅程。 2010, is a special and meaningful year for China. On May 1st, the Expo, the focus of world attention was held in Shanghai. It is our China’s Expo and the world’s Expo as well. Today, Jun 11th, you have finished your study and are ready to graduate. 让我们用最热烈的掌声向他们表示祝贺。 Let’s offer our warmest congratulations on their graduation! (在我们毕业典礼之前,首先,请允许我为大家介绍一下与会嘉宾:他们是) Before the graduation ceremony, I would like to introduce our guests, they are…… (接下来为大家介绍国际部行政人员 :他们是) Next are the administrative staffs from International division. 今天也有近______位家长专程赶来,共同见证这激动人心的时刻,让我们对他们的到来表示最热烈的欢迎。 And we are very honored to have about ____ parents coming all the way to witness this exciting moment. Let express our warmest welcome to them. 现在我宣布,xx中学2010届毕业典礼正式开始。 Now I declare the 2010 xx Graduation Ceremony open 有请校长先生致毕业贺词 First we would like to invite Principal x to address the ceremony. 谢谢校长。 Many thanks to principal x. 学生献花 在毕业典礼上,最应该被感谢和致敬的是所有的老师,特别是毕业班的老师。为了表达对所有老师的敬意,毕业班学生将向你们献上鲜花以表示由衷的感谢。 老师是园丁,默默耕耘,辛勤灌溉,等待鲜花怒放的那一刻。 学生们如同含苞待放的花朵,在家人和老师爱的关怀下,茁壮成长。 感谢所有的老师,为了辉煌的金天,为了灿烂的明天,所付出的不懈努力。 On this graduation ceremony, it all agreed that all teachers should be the thanked for their efforts, especially the teachers of Grade 12, Now, the students from Grade 12 want to present flowers in order to express their respect to all the teachers. 教师发言 老师们在每一位毕业生身上倾注了自己的关心和期望。今天,他们也有很多话想对毕业生们说,下面,请2010届班主任X老师代表全体毕业班教师发言。 Teachers have thrown all their care and expectation into every graduate. Today, they also have a lot to say. Mr. X, the homeroom teacher of X class will speak for all the teachers of grade 12. 谢谢王老师感人至深的话语和对学生殷切的期望。 还有一位老师,他XX中学国际部任教了整整六年,今年他即将退休回到自己的国家,这将是他最后一次参加我们的毕业典礼。下面有请Mr. Ron Hills 发表他的感言。 Here is another teacher; he spent 6 year


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