外研版(三起)四年级下册英语期末试卷 1.doc

外研版(三起)四年级下册英语期末试卷 1.doc

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外研版(三起)四年级下册英语期末试卷 1

PAGE  --PAGE 4-- 外研版(三起)四年级英语下册期末试卷 1 小学资源网/ 一、找出不同类单词的序号。5 %? A B C ( )1. watermelon paper orange ( )2. dancing watching birthday ( )3. hamburger angry biscuits ( )4. boy bad good ( )5. saw monster went 二、给图片选择相应的句子,把序号写在( )里。8 % 1. Yesterday ,Mr Smart cooked noodles .. 2. Look at the man on the bickcle .He was English . 3. Hello. I’m from England .I’m English . 4. Yesterday John ate twenty sweets . 5. She came from Chinese .She’s Chinese . 6. Chinese people invented printing . 7. She is from Mexico .She likes traditional Mexican dancing . 8 . Amy is painting a picture . ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ?? ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三 、从B栏中找出A拦中所对应的答句,将标号填在括号内。 6% A B ( ) 1. How many biscuits did you eat ??????A. I didn’t go out .I stayed at home . ( ) 2. Did you break your toy? B. I fell off my bike . ( ) 3. When did they come? C. No ,I didn’t. ( ) 4. Where did you go ,Tingting ? D. At the weekend . ( ) 5. What happened to you ? E. I’ve got a stomach ache . ( ) 6. What’s the matter? F. I ate thirty biscuits . 四、默读下列句子,选择正确的答案填空,将序号填在括号内。5% (? ? )1.Nice to meet you. ______________. A. Hello.? ?? ?B. Nice to meet you,too.? ?? ?C. I’m fine. (? ? )2.What class are you in? __________________. A. I’m Jim. ??B. I’m in class 3, grade2.? ?? ??C. I’m in Class 3, Grade2. (? ? )3.How’s the weather today ? It’s ___________. A. cold ?? ?? B. Monday ? C. a book (? ? )4.What day is today ? It’s ___________. A. Children’s Day B. Friday C. happy (? ? )5.下列字母书写时只占中间一格的是______. A. a z s n B . l i g o C. p x w y D . m t h i 五、任意选写3个句子,注意句子的书写要规范。(共3分) Thanksgiving is an American festival . Do you want to visit the UN building ? It’s five thousand kilometers long .


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