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- 摘 要 对于快递企业来说,客户资源是快递企业赖以生存的根本。企业的品牌优势、快递效率、成本优势、物流服务水平等都成了影响客户的满意度的因素。基于此,本文以快递企业客户满意度研究为主线,对快递企业和客户满意度理论做了简单的概述,系统地分析了影响快递企业客户满意度的影响因素。同时以物流服务客户满意度子系统为切入点,进一步分析得出了该子系统的四个二级指标,并建立评价指标体系。最后,以中国邮政快递为研究对象,通过问卷调查对其EMS物流服务客户满意度进行实证研究,采用了层次分析法和模糊综合评价法对所得的数据进行统计分析。 统计分析得出,客户对中国邮政的EMS物流服务的满意度分值是64.59分,满意度总体水平一般,其中“物流配送服务”客户满意度最高,“物流事故服务”客户满意度水平最低。可知,中国邮政快递的物流服务水平还有很大的提升空间,尤其是物品按时抵达服务和其他事故处理服务有待进一步加强。 关键词:快递物流服务;客户满意度;层次分析法;模糊综合评价法;中国邮政 Express logistics services business customer satisfaction evaluation and empirical research Abstract: For express delivery companies, courier companies customer resources are the fundamental survival. Brand enterprises, express delivery efficiency, cost advantages, the level of logistics services have become customer satisfaction factors. Based on this, in order to express this article business customer satisfaction research-oriented line, the express business and customer satisfaction theory has done a brief overview, systematic analysis of the impact of corporate customers express satisfaction factor. At the same time, logistics services to customer satisfaction as the entry point for sub-system, and further analysis of the two indicators of the four sub-systems and to establish evaluation index system. Finally, China Post Express for the study through a questionnaire survey of logistics services to its EMS customer satisfaction empirical research, using the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method of the data for statistical analysis. Statistical analysis, the customer of the EMS of China Post Logistics service satisfaction score was 64.59 points, the overall level of satisfaction in general, of which the logistics service the highest customer satisfaction, Logistics service incidents, the lowest level of customer satisfaction. We can see that China Post Express logistics service level there is still much room, especially the goods arrived on time incident handling services and other services to be further s


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