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PAGE  PAGE 16 浅析旅游活动中导游人员和计调人员的协调管理 摘要,旅游业被称为绿色产业,可想而知旅游业这一行业在当今社会的重要贡献和作用,但是旅游业有时一个很新很脆弱的行业。在他的发展过程中,产生了很多问题,这个不仅仅限制了他自身的发展,同时阻碍了拉动经济的增长。在旅游业的发展和良性循环中功不可默起着关键作用的两种人员,一是导游人员他是旅游的基层的服务者而且是旅游链条中不可或缺的一段,另外一个是旅行社计调,他在旅游活动中起到一种连接作用。看似大海中的两个水滴,但是两者在实际中确实不可忽视的。在旅游活动中两者是金字塔的底座也是一种安稳的基石,他们在默默的为旅游发挥着作用,所以两者的相互协调是至关重要的。 导游人员和计调人员的相互协调配合的好往往会搞活一家旅行社,反之亦然,所以两者怎样分工,怎样配合,共同发展是关键,只有理解两者的影响力和 作用,使其构成和谐局面才能使旅行社有所发展,游客满意,市场有序,进而促进整个行业的良性发展。 关键词:协调 分工 决定性 影响力 管理机制 A Brief Analysis of Coordinated Management between Tour Guides and Controllers in the Tourism Activities Abstract:Tourism is today known as smokeless industry, from which we can imagine how important the role it plays in today’s society. But as a matter of fact, the tourism industry is a very new and sometimes very fragile industry. In its course of development, a lot of questions have emerged, which do not only limit its own development, but at the same time also hamper economic development. In the development and sound cycle of the tourism industry, there are two kinds of workers, whose contibutions cannot be forgotten and who play a crucial role: one is tour guide, who is a server of the basic tourism unit and an integral section of the tourism chain; the other one is the controllers in the travel agency, who acts as a link in the tourism activities. They are just like two drops in the sea, but they can’t be ignored in the reality. In the tourism activities, the two kinds of workers are the base and also the secure foundation stone of a pyramid, who give silent play in the tourism industry, so the mutual coordination between them is of great importance. The mutual coordination and cooperation of tour guides and controllers are likely to enliven a travel agency, so is the reverse side. So how to share the work and cooperate is important Only if the importance is understood well and a harmonious situation is formed, can the travel agency develop, the customers be satisfied, the tourism industry be in or



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