毕业论文 工程管接头 (三通) 注射模具方面.doc

毕业论文 工程管接头 (三通) 注射模具方面.doc

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PAGE  1 零件材料分析 PAGE 1 本科毕业设计(论文) 题目: 工程管接头的塑料模具设计 院(系): 机电工程学院 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 学 生: 学 号: 指导教师: 2009年 6月 工程管接头塑料模具设计 摘要 模具工业是国民经济的基础工业,而塑料模具又是整个模具行业的霸主。我国的塑料成型模具设计,制作技术比较晚,整体水平还比较低,但近几年发展比较迅速。目前单单型腔的模具达80%以上,仍占主导地位。 塑料制品的成型方法很多。其主要用于是注射,挤出,压制,压铸和气压成型等和气压成型等。而注射模,挤出约占成型总数的60%以上。注射成型分为加料,熔融塑料,注射制件冷却和制件脱模等五个步骤。当然如利用电气控制。可实现半自动化或自动化作业。 本文介绍了工程管接头的塑料注塑模具的设计过程。该产品采用点浇口注射,和整体式型腔设置,重点解决抽芯机构的设计,通过方案比较和选择,决定采用斜导柱三项侧抽芯。并对塑件进行了强度计算,尺寸确定,材料选择,对模具设计提供了一个比较好的方案,通过本次设计能够达到塑料模具设计的基本能力。 关键词:注射模;斜导柱;点浇口 Plastic Mold Design of Engineering pipe joints Abstract The mold industry is the national economical foundation,and the plastic mold also is the overlord in the entire mold industry. It is quite late which the development of manufacture technology, the overall level is low in our country.But the plastic mold is developing quite rapidly in plastic take- shape mold design area recent year.Now, the single cavity mold is above 80%,still occupied an important The plastics products of the type method is a lot of. Among them most of inject, die-casting to compatibly press type etc. But inject the mold, extrude, extrude roughly share type total amount of 60% above inject the type is divided in to add the material, meltdown plastics, and inject to make piece to cool off with make the piece to take off the mold to wait five steps. This article describes the engineering plastic pipe injection mold design process. The product are pin oint gated and monolithic cavity settings, focus on the design of core-pulling mechanism, comparison and choice through the program, decided to adopt the oblique derivative side core pulling three columns。And plastic parts for the trength calculation, size determined, material selection , it offers a better design ways about plastics injection mold of spray nozzle , through the desig


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