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河北经贸大学毕业论文 PAGE  PAGE 16 浅谈平面设计之招贴设计摘要 本文首先对何为平面设计作了简单的介绍,然后进一步介绍了招贴设计的创意过程、类型、审美和编排的程序设计等方面的内容,最后用一实例具体说明。 随着计算机技术的飞速发展,电脑的图像处理能力大大提高,数字化图像已经在传统的绘画、摄影等平面艺术领域开创了一个崭新的时代,这给广大的设计人员带来了福音,越来越多的动画设计人员、广告设计人员等开始放下纸和笔,操起了键盘和鼠标,他们借助计算机将他们的平面设计构想得更绚丽、更丰富、更具创造性,用电脑来创造更奇妙的艺术世界。 当前,平面设计己经被广泛的应用于广告、摄影、美术、出版、制版、印届l等众多领域,那么到底什么是平面设计?做好平面设计又应具备那些方面的能力。 招贴又名“海报”或“宣传画”,属于户外广告,分布在各种公共场所。国外也称之为“瞬间”的街头广告,如果就形式上区分广告与其他视觉艺术的不同,招贴可以说更具广告的典型性。对于学设计的人来说,提起广告,恐怕首先想到的就是招贴。 本文通过一个实例,深入浅出的介绍了Photoshop的操作和使用技巧。 关键字 Photoshop; 平面设计; 招贴设计 Abstract At first; this thesis precisely introduces the concept of plane design, then the creating process,type, beauty taste of poster design and the arrangement of program design, with an example illustrating detailedly. With the rapid development of computer technology, the image processing ability of computer has been improved dramatically. Digital image has led a new era in drawing, photography fields and so on, greatly blessing many designer, more and more cartoon designer, putting their paper and pen away, start to use mouse and keyboard,by using computer, they have been creating a more splendid, wonderful art world full of abundant originality. In current days, plane design has been extensively used in ad, photography, art, publishing, plate making and printing fields.Then, what is on earth plane design? And what kinds of ability we should have to do well in plane design? Poster, formally named propagating picture, belonging to outdoors ad, can be seen everywhere in public places, its also called instant ad in the street abroad. Poster is a more typical form of ad if we want to differentiate it from other visual arts.Poster maybe first emerges in their minds when it comes to ad. Finally, a detailed example is given to us to illustrating the operation and using techniques of Photoshop. Keywords Photoshop; plane design; poster design 目录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z  HYPERLINK \l _To前言  PAGEREF _To\h 1  HYPERLINK \l _To


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