6.Embodiment and Conceptual Structure - 副本.ppt

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6.Embodiment and Conceptual Structure - 副本

Embodiment and Conceptual Structure;Content;Introduction;Two of the central principles: Embodied cognition: Conceptual structure derives from embodiment. Semantic structure reflects conceptual structure.;概念就是我们头脑中形成的对客观事物得想法和信念,是头脑中对客观事物的知识系统。语言符号是词汇化了的概念,词汇表达概念,但是不是所有概念都有词汇来表达。 概念结构就是我们在头脑中存在的对客观事物项对稳固的知识体系。认知语义学认为概念结构从本质上来讲来自人体和世界间的互动,来自体验(概念结构模式:语域、认知模式、意象图式、映射、心智空间等。 如果说概念结构是从抽象层面讨论,那么语义结构就属于具体层面。语义结构是概念结构的语言形式。语义结构就是我们赋予语言表达的意义。 假设一把概念结构植根于人类活动,假设二把语义结构等同于概念结构。这两个假设的直接结果必然导致???义研究就是要研究概念内容,研究概念内容就是要研究人类体验的方方面面。 ;We address the thesis of embodied cognition by presenting the theory of image schemas. Once we have described the research on image schemas, and how they derive from embodiment, we then address the second principle. ;Leonard Talmy’s theory of conceptual structure One of the ways that language encodes conceptual representation is by providing structural meaning, also known as schematic meaning. Schematic meaning is directly related to fundamental aspects of embodied cognition, and can be divided into a number of distinct schematic systems, each of which provides a distinct type of meaning that is closely associated with a particular kind of embodied experience.;;6.1 Image schemas;Mark Johnson proposed that embodied experience gives rise to image schemas within the conceptual system. Image schemas derive from sensory and perceptual experience as we interact with and move about in the world.;Cognitive semanticists argue that the asymmetry of the body’s vertical axis is meaningful for us because of the way we interact with our environment. This aspect of our experience gives rise to an image schema: the UP-DOWN schema. Image schemas are emergent.;The term ‘image’ is equivalent to the use of this term in psychology, where imagistic experience relates to and derives from our experience of the external world. Another term for this type of experience is sensory experience.;Imagistic experience is contrasted with what psychologists call introspective experience(


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