chapter 7 重复法.ppt

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chapter 7 重复法

重 复 法 Repetition ; 1.1 Repetition of the modified We are the witnesses of the scrupulous(细心的,谨慎的) respect of the Government of China for the principles of non-intervention in the affairs of other states and of its unwavering supporting of the rights of peoples to independence and self-determination. 我们亲眼看到中国政府十分尊重不干涉其他国家内政的原则,亲眼看到它坚定不移地支持各国人民独立和自主的权利。 ;1.2 Repetition of the modifier We need materials which can bear high temperature and pressure. 我们需要那种能耐高温和耐高压的材料。 Under suitable conditions we can produce energy in the electrical form by the conversion of heat, mechanical and other forms of energy. 在适当条件下,我们能够把热能、机械能以及一些其他形式的能转换成电能。;1.3 Repetition of the verb which is common to several objects, or the objects which is common to several verbs We come here to express our gratitude and the friendship, complete solidarity(unity) and comradeship-in-arms that unite our two peoples. 我们来这里是为了表达我们的感激之情,也是为了表达连接我们两国人民之间的友谊、完全的团结和同志般的战斗情谊。;1.4 Repetition of the preposition which is common to several objects The solid friendship between our two countries took shape during our protracted struggles against colonialism, hegemonism, and outmoded relationship. 我们两国之间的牢固友谊是在我们反对殖民主义、反对霸权主义和反对旧式关系的持久斗争中形成的。 ;1.5Repetition of the verb in Chinese for the omitted or substituted verb in English You can do it very well, if you care to. 如果你愿意做这件事,可以做得很好。 Reading exercises one’s eyes; speaking, one’s tongue; while writing, one’s mind. 阅读训练人的眼睛,说话训练人的口齿,写作训练人的思维。;1.6 Repetition of the noun in Chinese for the pronoun in English There is a feeling of responsibility by parents for their children’s welfare, that is, they feel that they should help them to make a new start of life in order that they (the children) may care for them (the parents) in the future. 父母对子女的幸福有这么一种责任感, 就是父母觉得应当帮助子女开始新的生活,为的是将来子女可以照顾父母。;1.7 Repetition of the noun or verb in Chinese for the relative or connective in English We have advocated the principle of peaceful co-existence, which is now growing more and more popular


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