chpt 9. Contrastive_analysis.ppt

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chpt 9. Contrastive_analysis

Chapter Nine;Outline;Lead-in Questions:;Possible difficulties (In terms of Grammar):;In pronunciation, many students have problems in pronuncing words ended with consonant. For example, A good old friend is pronounced as [? gud? ?uld? frend?] When compared with Chinese, we see it may be due to the negative transfer from our mother tongue, because in Chinese syllables very often end in vowels. ;Those elements that are similar to his native language will be simple for the learner, and those elements that are different will be difficult (Lado, 1957:2);;What is contrastive analysis (CA)?;Theoretical bases:; ;Researchers working in CA saw two types of transfer: Positive transfer: transfer which makes learning easier, and may occur when both the native language and the target language have the same form. Negative transfer (also ‘interference’): the use of a native-language pattern or rule which leads to an error or inappropriate form in the target language. ;Positive transfer in Lexicology;Positive transfer in Word Formation ;The meaningfu 偏旁 “氵 is related with river: ”江“, ”河“, 湖,”海“ in Chinese. The meaningful affix (prefixsuffix): re-(again), anti-(against), -tion(related with noun) ;Positive transfer in Syntax;Negative transfer in Pronunciation;Negative transfer in Lexicology;Negative transfer in Syntax;;Assumptions ;3 versions of the CA hypothesis; The Weak Version: Wardhaugh (1970) 温和派 ;The Moderate Version: 折中派 Oiler Ziahesseiny (1970);Contrastive analysis as applied to L2 teaching;Objectives of CA;Procedures;An example of CA between E C;The?four-step?procedure (often used):?? ;A Hierarchy of Six levels of difficulty;3)?Level?2?(underdifferentiation):?an?item?in?the?native?language?is?absent?in?the?target?language?差异不足 母语的某个语言点在二语中不存在 L1:量词(一面旗,一支笔) L2:?a?flag,?a?pen? 中国学生学英语时,发现汉语(L1)的声调在英语(L2)中没有 ;中国英语学习者因为声调闹出的笑话;4)?Level?3?(reinterpretation):?an?item?in?the?native?language?is?given?a?new?shape?or?distribution?再解释 ;5)?Level?4?(overdifferentiation)超差异:;6)?Le


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