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/ / /  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 3  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 不同文化交际差异的根源 The cause of the differences of different culture communication 摘 要:在跨文化交际中,幽默具有其独特的地位,体现各民族文化中深层的内涵。本文从幽默角度出发旨在探讨造成跨文化交际中语言差异的深层文化根源。 Abstract: In the cross-cultural communication, humor has its unique position, reflects the deep connotation of national culture. In this paper, from the Angle of the humor is to explore the deep cultural differences in cross-cultural communication in the language. 关键词:幽默,文化背景,思维方式,人际关系 Key words: humor, cultural background, ways of thinking, interpersonal relations 随着世界经济的发展,东西方交流的更加频繁,人们越来越体会到跨文化交际中不可逾越的文化差异。而幽默存在于各不同文化之中,体现其文化的深层意义,在跨文化交际中幽默占有重要的地位,造成跨文化交际中差异产生的深层文化根源包括:文化背景、思维方式、人际关系。 With the development of world economy, more frequent communication between east and west, people are becoming more and more realize the insurmountable cultural differences in cross-cultural communication. And humor exists in the different culture, reflect the culture of the deep meaning, humor is very important in cross-cultural communication, causes differences in cross-cultural communication has the deep cultural roots, including: cultural background, way of thinking, interpersonal relationship. 1、不同的文化背景 the different cultural background.    当人们考虑民族背景,其中包括许多方面:地理环境、历史、宗教和其他一些因素。事实上,“不同的地理环境和气候造就不同文化以及不同的民族特性”。黄河流域位于中国的中央地带,是典型的温带气候,被视为中华文明的摇篮。在这一地区古代中国以农业为基础发展本国经济,并形成了自己的生活习惯。中国农民几代甚至十几代人生活在土地上,除了在战争和饥荒时,很少流动。这种农耕生活和对农业依赖造成了内向的中国传统文化,自我抑制,谦逊和忍耐。由于内向和自我抑制,几千年来,大多数中国人不愿互相笑话。由于谦逊和忍耐,在林语堂看来特别是“宽容”,中国人的幽默往往以宽容的观点看待恶行和邪恶,而不是谴责、嘲笑他们。 When people think about ethnic background, including many aspects: geographical environment, history, religion and other factors. , in fact, different geographical environment and climate make different culture and different ethnic characteristics . The Yellow River basin is located in the central area of China, is a typical temperate cli


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