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A letter to guests from BBTMC Dear friends: It is a great honor to have you attending our past meetings! We sincerely hope that you enjoyed those moments. BBTMC is a bilingual club,English and Chinese are used alternatively. for one thing,you can improve your English,for another, your public speaking skills and communications skills can be enhanced.Our club is aimed at improving its attendant’s public speaking skills and communications skills as well as leadership.If you are not confident,sometimes even nervous when you are on the stage,we don’t care about it,we will constantly support you to help you become more confident,actually,almost all of the members have been through this process,therefore,we can fully understand your feelings and are glad to share our experience with you.If your public speaking is good but you still want to improve,you can also get what you want from our club,we own a professional team,who will guarantee the meeting following the schedule and being effective,among them,our evalutors will give you a detailed feedback concerning many aspects such as body language,eye contact,language structure and so on. No skills can be gained without a persistent practice, public speaking is no exception.However,if you are willing to stick to it,we will be glad to be the witness of your every little improvement,we sincerely welcome people who are determined to improve their public speaking skills to join us! BBTMC BBTMC致客人的一封信 亲爱的朋友: 您好!能够与您相识是一种缘分。我们也衷心的希望以往的会议给您留下了美好的回忆。 我们BBTMC是一个双语俱乐部,中英文交替使用。在这里,大家既可以提高自己的英语水平,又可以提高演讲与交流能力。我们俱乐部成立的宗旨就是提高与会者的演讲交流能力及领导力(中英文)。如果你对自己的公众演讲能力不够自信,站在台上紧张,不要害怕,我们不会介意的,我们会不断的鼓励你,给你舞台,给你自信,事实上,bbtmc的大部分成员都是这样走过来的,从紧张到从容,从不自信到自信,因此我们能够理解你的感受,也能够给你经验分享。如果你的演讲能力已经可以,又想进一步的提高,我们bbtmc也能够提供你需要的东西,我们有一支专业的、分工明确的队伍,会从肢体语言,眼神接触,语言结构等多方面对你的演讲进行有效的评估,让你???够对演讲及自身的情况有一个更全面、深刻的认识,同时保证整个会议有序高效的进行。 任何能力的获得都是需要坚持不懈的,演讲也不例外,但只要您能够坚持下去,我们bbtmc会乐于见证您的每一点进步的,我们热烈欢迎所有有志于提高自己演讲交流能力的人来加入我们。 BBTMC 会议时间:每周周二晚上7:00-9:00 会议地址:和平西桥赛福特大厦A322 联系人:Ted(VP


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