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Speaking Tasks: 1. Form groups of two students. One will be the reporter and the other will be the spokesman of Environment Canada. The reporter will design and ask questions based on the text from paragraphs 13 - 20 about how animal-based agriculture destroys the environment. The spokesman will answer these questions. 2. Suppose you were the author, who is now attending an assembly for protesting against the violation of animal rights. Deliver a speech based on the text from paragraphs 21 - 29 and make an appeal to the public to protect animals by going veggie. Unit 2 Diet Preserve 1. v. maintain in safety from injury, peril, or harm; protect preserve the forest These are perfectly preserved medieval houses. 2. n. an area or water where animals are protected from hunters Pantanal is one of the world’s great wildlife preserves. preserve: 1) maintain in safety from injury, peril, or harm; protect. 保护:使免于损害,危险或伤害而处于安全中;保护 2) keep in perfect or unaltered condition; maintain unchanged. preserve forests 保护森林 preserve order 维护秩序 preserve eggs in salt 腌蛋 You look well preserved. 你看起来保养得很好。 Ice helps to preserve food. 冰有助于保存食物。 Fishing is strictly preserved. 严禁捕鱼。 n. 保护; 防护; 维护 保管, 保存, 保藏,防...腐烂 蜜饯(水果); 腌制(蔬菜等); 把...制成罐头 使(某人名字)流传; 把(某人)铭记在心; 使(诗歌等)留存 禁猎, 把...圈为禁猎地 game preserve 禁猎区 1. conserve: use carefully or sparingly, avoiding waste: kept the thermostat lower to conserve energy. 减少自动调温机的使用以节约能源 conserve one’s strength 保存力量 2. conserve: protect from loss or harm; preserve: 保存;保护从而使其不受损失或伤害; calls to conserve our national heritage in the face of bewildering change. 呼吁大家在面临令人手足无措的改变时,要保护我们的民族遗产 n. [常用复]糖食,蜜饯;【医】糖剂; 防腐剂 Protect: 1) keep from being damaged, attacked, stolen, or injured; guard 保护:使免于受到损坏,攻击,偷盗或伤害; 2) help (domestic industry) with tariffs or quotas on imported goods.贸易保护:通过关税和进口货物配额帮助(国内工业) assure payment of (drafts or notes, for example) by setting aside funds.备款以支付:设置资金以保证支付(比如汇票或票据) protect home industries保护国内工业 protect sb. from danger保护某人免遭危险


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