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解:拿起重物的正确技巧 译者: HYPERLINK /u/225673  pieccon 发表时间:2011-10-06浏览量:7371评论数:10挑错数:0 如何提起重物才不会对身体造成伤害? 1.Start in a safe position 1.从一个安全的姿势开始 Before you lift a heavy object, think through your task. Decide where youll place the object and how youll get it there. If an object is too heavy to lift safely, find someone to help you. ?????? 在你移动一件重物之前,想想你整个任务过程。决定你要将物品放到哪里,考虑一下你要怎样将它放到那里。如果物品太重不能保证安全移动,那么找个人来帮帮你。 To lift an object from the floor, stand as close to the object as possible. Then kneel, resting one knee on the floor. Dont lift from a standing position with your waist bent or your knees locked. ?????? 要从地面抬起一件物品,先站到尽可能靠近物品的地方。然后跪下,单膝着地。处于站立姿势时腰部弯曲或膝盖紧锁,不应该抬起重物。 2.Maintain the natural curve in your lower back 2.保持腰背部的自然弯曲 With one knee resting on the floor, tighten your core muscles — including the muscles in your abdomen, back and pelvis — and lift the object between your legs. Maintain the natural curve in your lower back, and dont hold your breath. Be careful to hold the object close to your body. Rest the object on your knee as you prepare to stand. ?????? 单膝着地,收紧你的核心肌肉——包括腹部、背部和骨盆的肌肉,然后在两腿之间抬起物品。保持腰背部的自然弯曲,不要屏住呼吸。小心地托住物品,物品要靠近你的身体。将物品放到膝盖上,准备站起来。 3.Use your legs 3.用你的双腿 As you stand, maintain the natural curve in your lower back and keep your core muscles tight. Use your leg muscles — not your back — to lift the object. ?????? 在你站起来的时候,继续保持腰背部的自然曲线,保持收紧你的核心肌肉。用你的腿部肌肉——不是背部——去抬起物品。 4.Squatting instead of kneeling 4.蹲下代替跪下 As another option, squat rather than kneel to lift an object from the floor. Stand as close to the object as possible, positioning it between your knees as you squat. Keep your feet parallel, as shown here, or stagger one foot ahead of the other. It may help to tilt one edge of the box up to ensure a firm hold. ?????? 还有另一个选择,通过蹲下而不是跪下来抬起地面上的物品。先站到尽量靠近物品的位置,在你蹲下时物品要在两膝中间。保持双脚平行,如图中所示,或错开一只脚在另一只的前面。这可能有助于将盒子的一边倾斜起来,以确保牢牢地握住。 5.Let your legs do the work 5.让你的双腿动起来 As you stand, be careful to hold the object close to your body. Mainta


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