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-  PAGE 10 -  PAGE 42 S11-500/10-0.4变压器的设计及制造工艺 摘 要:对于目前在城网、农网改造中新S9型、S11型配电变压器,还有卷铁心、非晶合金、全密封、组合、干式、高燃点油、SF6气体绝缘等变压器,就要求向小容量化、降低噪声、就近安装、美化环境、环网供电,以尽量缩短低压配线,降低二次线损,改装电压品质方向发展。在此基础上,配电变压器除满足保护可靠和安装、使用方便的基本要求外,努力在不增加太多投资的情况下,使配电变压器做到降耗节能。所以对于S11型低耗能、全封闭变压器就有研究的必要,所以本人想对S11-500/10-0.4型变压器进行设计以对其损耗进行分析。 通过该课题设计可达到1)培养学生正确的设计思想与设计方法;2)培养学生综合、灵活应用所学知识去分析和解决工程设计中遇到的一些工程技术问题;3)提高学生调查研究、设计计算、理论分析、查阅资料及绘制图样等各方面的基本技能。 关键词:变压器;卷铁心;S11-M;二次线损;损耗 S11-500/10-0.4 type transformer design and manufacturing Abstract: For the present in the city nets, rural reform S9 type, S11 new type distribution transformer, and roll core, amorphous alloy, and the seal, combination, the dry, high flash point SF6 gas oil, insulation transformer, requires the capacity to reduce noise, small, and drew near unto installation, beautify the environment, ring network power supply, to try to shorten the low voltage wiring, reduce secondary line loss, modified voltage quality development direction. On this basis, the distribution transformer protection in addition to satisfying reliable and convenient installation and use of the basic requirements, efforts to increase investment in not too much, to distribution transformer do consumption energy saving. So for the S11 type low consumption and fully enclosed transformer is the necessary research, so I want to S11-500/10-0.4 type transformer design based on the loss for analysis. Through the project design can be up to 1) train students correct design idea and design methods; 2) students comprehensive, flexible application knowledge to analyse and solve engineering encountered in the design of some technical issues; 3) to improve the students study, design calculation, theoretical analysis, access to information and drawing pattern of each respect such as the basic skills. Key words: transformer; Roll core; S11; Secondary line loss; loss 前言 一、电力变压器在电力工业中的地位和作用 1.电力变压器的发展历史 1882年高纳德(Gaulard)和吉伯斯(Gibbs)的交流供电系统,获得英国专利。他们用


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