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 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 8 题目:自动按频率减负荷动作级数确定原理 院(系): 电气工程与自动化系 专业班级: 34班 学 号: 学生姓名: 刘孟飞 《电力系统自动装置》课程论文评分表 序号评分项分数1论文的结构与格式15分2语言组织10分3切题(符合课程)25分4内容合理能用20论文总成绩 摘 要 随着电力系统快速发展,以往的模拟式的低频减载装置由于测量精度差,特别是当系统正常运行中电压下降或者频率瞬时变化较大时可能会误动作,并且整定不方便,更不能组网,已不能满足新的要求。电力系统自动低频减载是一种反事故措施,在电力系统发生严重事故时,系统的有功将严重缺额,电力系统的频率会很快下降,为保证电力系统不至于频率崩溃,必须采取快速明确的措施,必要时按频率下降进行负荷的切除。 本文通过对低频减负荷装置的原理与技术要求的阐述,确定整定方案和控制方式,并进行了运行分析与整定计算。通过电力系统的静态频率特性与动态频率特性的分析计算,确定了符合要求的实验装置。 关键词:低频减载;整定计算;频率特性; Abstract Along with the rapid development of power system, the former analog of low frequency load shedding device due to poor measurement accuracy, especially when the system voltage or frequency in the normal operation of the instantaneous changes greatly when may misoperation, and setting is not convenient, more cant networking, already cannot satisfy the new requirement. Automatic power system low frequency load shedding is a kind of anti-accident measures, serious accident in power system, the active will serious deficiency in the system, the frequency of the power system will soon fall, in order to ensure the frequency of power system from collapse, rapid clear measures must be taken, according to frequency decrease load removal if necessary. Based on the principle and technical requirement of low-frequency load reduction device, determine the setting scheme and control modes, and analyzed the operation and setting calculation. Through the static frequency characteristic of power system and the dynamic frequency characteristic analysis and calculation, the conform to the requirements of experiment device is determined. Key words: low frequency load shedding; Setting calculation. Frequency characteristics; 目录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc372213004 第1章 自动低频减负荷装置  PAGEREF _Toc372213004 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc372213005 1.1 电力系统自动低频减负荷装置概况  PAGEREF _Toc372213005 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc372213


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