
心理语言学 Unit 6 Sentence Comprehension and Memory.ppt

心理语言学 Unit 6 Sentence Comprehension and Memory.ppt

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心理语言学 Unit 6 Sentence Comprehension and Memory

Sentence Comprehension Memory; Ⅰ. Immediate processing of sentences; It is the process of assigning elements of surface structure to linguistic categories.; We may think of parsing as a form of problem solving or decision making in the sense that we are making decisions about where to place incoming words into the phrase marker we are building. ;Examples: John bought the flower for Susan. ;Late closure strategy(迟闭合策略); Wherever possible, we prefer to attach new items to the current constituent(Frazier,1987; FrazierFodor, 1978; Kimball, 1973). ; We prefer attaching new items into the phrase marker being constructed using the fewest syntactic nodes consistent with the rules of the language (Frazier 1987). 主要指句法加工器不建构任何潜在的、不必要的节点,体现出认知经济性原则。按照这一原则,当阅读者遇到歧义结构时,在第一遍句法分析过程中句法加工器将建构最简单的可能结构。;VP; Modular model: The parsing strategies identified by Frazier are consistent with the modular approach to language comprehension in which comprehension as a whole is the result of many different modules, each devoted to a particular aspect of comprehension(Fodor, 1983).; 模块化理论:该理论认为在句子加工中,句子不同维度的信息是由大脑的不同功能性模块或加工器完成的。模块取向的理论坚持认为句法策略的使用在先,随后才是词汇和语篇信息。该理论最著名的模型是园径模型(garden path model)。 交互作用理论:主张在句子加工中,句法加工器所获得的句法结构是各种信息交互作用、相互制约与满足的结果,我们同时利用所有可利用的信息对句子进行语法分析。该理论最著名的模型之一是基于制约模型(constraint-based model)。;Eg: The florist sent the flowers was very pleased. The florist sent the flowers to the elderly widow. The florist who was sent the flowers was very pleased. Rayner, Carlson and Frazier(1983) examined whether the plausibility of real-world events influenced the immidiate parsing of sentences. Eg: The performer sent the flowers was very pleased. ;The defendant examined by the lawyer turned out to be unreliable. The evidence examined by the lawyer turned out to be unreliable. ;Modular versus interactive models; The preceding section indicates that we have to consider a great deal of information during the course of coomprehension such as syntactic, s


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