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Foreign L anguage World No. 2 2002 ( General Serial No. 88)
提要 : 大学英语四 、六级考试对大学英语教学起到了极大的促进作用 ,但由于对考试的不正确使用 ,导致考试
在教学中产生了一定的负面影响 。“应试教育”滋长了“重分数 、轻技能”的不良倾向 ,学生在考核英语实际运
用能力的主观性试题方面难尽人意的表现是这一现象的直接后果 。从考生在 2001 年 1 月大学英语六级考试
复合式听写试题上的表现来看 ,端正教学目的 ,贯彻教学大纲 ,重视教材和课堂教学仍然是当前大学英语教学
的首要任务 。四 、六级考试也应从命题的角度更进一步完善测试体系 。
关键词 : 复合式听写 ;大学英语教学
Abstract : CET has greatly promoted EFL teaching in the past years , though the misuse of the test in the process of
teaching has raised certain problems , such as“test oriented”teaching phenomenon. The adverse effect is easily no
ticed. A case in point is that students demonstrate poor ability when doing subjective test items. By an analysis of the
results of Compound Dictation , Jan. 2001 , we can conclude that the present task for our EFL teaching is still to recti
fy the teaching objectives , adhere to the teaching syllabus and attach importance to text books and class teaching as
well . Meanwhile CET should also pay attention to its item setting regulations in order to make the test itself more valid
and reliable.
Key Words : compound dictation ; EFL teaching
中图分类号 : H319 文献标识码 : B 文章编号 : 1004 - 5112 (2002) 00 - 0045 - 06
大学英语四、六级考试 (CET) 对大学英语教学起到了极大的促进作用 ,但由于对考试的不
正确使用 ,导致考试在教学中产生了一定的负面影响。当然 ,这样的负面影响并不是