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Reading across cultures;第一段;第二段;第三段;第四段;destination英 [?dest??ne??n]美 [?d?st??ne??n]n.目的,目标;目的地,终点;[罕用语]预定,指定复数:destinations?。 形近词:pectination ?festination? festinating ?multination? destinative? 例句 1.Spain is still our most popular holiday destination.西班牙仍是我们最喜爱的度假去处。 2.We want to be the destination for Chinese investment.“我们希望英国能成为中国投资者的目的地。 3.The vanguard units have reached the destination.部队前锋已到达目的地。 4.We need to create the reply intercept destination manually.我们需要手动创建应答截获目的地。 名词n. [C]1. 目的地,终点 2. 目标,目的, 1. Life can be likened to a journey with an unknown destination.生活可以被比作一次不知目的的旅行。;Promptly adv.迅速地;敏捷地;立即地;毫不迟疑 形近词: prompter ?prompted? 例句 1.Sister Francesca entered the chapel, took her seat, and promptly fell asleep.弗朗西丝卡修女走进小教堂,坐下来,很快就睡着了。 2.Furthermore I made some errors of omission, sucking my thumb when new facts came in that should have caused me to reexamine my thinking and promptly take action.此外我还犯了一些疏忽大意的错。当新情况出现时,我本应三思自己的想法,然后迅速采取行动,但我却只知道咬着大拇指发愣。 3.Ministers met around the cabinet table for the first time on Thursday and promptly awarded themselves a pay cut.新政府的首次内阁会议于上周四召开,并立刻在会上做出了集体减薪5%的决定。5.The cells will promptly start to soak up moisture.细胞会立即开始吸收水分。 反义词 同义词 immediately directly headlong soon quickly forthwith;Immigrant n.移民,侨民;从异地移入的动物[植物]adj.移民的,移来的;侨民的复数:immigrants?? 形近词:transmigrant? emigrant? remigrant ?nonmigrant ?immigrate? 例句 1.Areas with high densities of immigrant populations移民人口稠密的地区 2.He worked extremely hard for 50+ years as a bartender while my mother, also a second-generation immigrant, raised the kids.我母亲也是第二代移民,她这辈子就只顾着在家带孩子了。 3.But in the southeastern city of Malmo where30% of the population are immigrants or of immigrant descent ethnic tensions took a darker turn.但在东南部城市马尔默-其中30%的人口是移民或移民后裔-种族紧张局势采取了暗转。 4.The United States is a huge immigrant country with its immigrants from various countries and regions across the world.美国是一个巨大的移民国家,其移民来自全球各个国家及地区。n.移民;移入的emigrant其他


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