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毕业设计(论文)专用纸 毕 业 论 文 题目 有机溶剂预处理黄豆秸秆的最佳工艺条件研究 姓 名 方雪威 所在学院 轻工学部制浆造纸工程学院 专业班级 11轻化(2)班 学 号 1110421214 指导教师 姚兰 讲师 日 期 2015 年 5 月 日  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT  摘 要 随着全球经济的快速发展,能源问题日益突出,生物乙醇的发展越来越受重视。木质纤维预处理是生产生物乙醇的重要过程,目前预处理有酸、碱和有机溶剂预处理,其预处理的条件是确定预处理效果的重要因素。本文研究的就是有机溶剂预处理黄豆秸秆的最佳工艺条件。 本文实验中,利用红外仪分析原料发现其同时存在G、S、H型木素结构吸收峰,证明黄豆秸秆为禾本科。原料经过苯醇抽提后,利用单因素法对原料进行预处理,分别寻找到了预处理的最适合温度保温时间和乙醇浓度,即中心点,其值分别为170℃,90min和50%。然后以该中心点为基础用中心组合响应面法进行中心组合实验,利用软件STATISTICA进行响应面分析,得到最适合的处理条件正好为中心点,该条件下1g原料最终得到了425.3mg的葡萄糖。利用软件Minitab进行数据分析得到对蒸煮得率影响最大的是处理温度其p值分别为0.002为极大影响,对酶解得率影响最大的也是处理温度其p值为0.019为较大影响。通过对原料和中心点预处理后样品的红外分析进一步验证了预处理对木素的脱除情况。 关键词:生物乙醇;有机溶剂;预处理;中心组合;葡萄糖产率  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT I Abstract With the rapid development of the global economy, energy issues have become increasingly prominent. Development of bioethanol becoming more attention. Wood fiber pretreatment is an important process to produce bioethanol. Nowadays has three Pretreatment ways as acids, alkalis and organic solvents pretreatment. The pretreatment condition is an important factor in determining the effect of pretreatment. This paper is an organic solvent pretreatment of soybean straw optimum conditions. In this paper, the experiment, we found G,S,H type lignin structure absorption through analysis of materials use infrared instrument.the materials has been proved to be Gramineae.Soybean straw has been benzene-alcohol extraction firestly, use the single-factor method for pretreatment of raw materials, the most suitable holding time, the most suitable temperature and ethanol concentration has been found, that is the central point,and its value is 170 ℃, 90min and 50%. For then the center of the central composite experimental basis with a central composite response surface methodology, using the software STATISTICA for data analysis, the most suitable pretreatment conditions has been found to be the central point.Under the conditio



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