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中国测试CHINA MEASUREMENT TEST Vol.43 No.3March,2017第 43卷第 3期2017年 3月 一种改进果蝇算法及其在风电机组 MPPT中的应用 李大中袁 邬 峰 (华北电力大学自动化系,河北 保定 071003) 摘 要院为提高果蝇优化算法(FOA)的寻优效率和精度,针对标准果蝇算法在全局范围内有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站能力不均匀导致的问 题,提出一种步长改进策略。该策略在运行过程中根据当前果蝇群体中最优个体位置,动态地对果蝇前进步长进行调 整,使果蝇算法能够平衡在全局范围内的有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站能力,增强初期收敛速度和后期收敛精度。通过经典测试函数对改进算 法进行仿真研究,结果表明:在保证寻优成功率的同时,该文所提出改进算法的收敛精度和速度均得到显著提高。风 电机组滑模控制器参数寻优中的应用实例也表明该算法的有效性。 关键词院果蝇优化算法;风电机组;滑模控制;最大功率点跟踪 文献标志码院A 文章编号院1674-5124渊2017冤03-0101-05 Application of an improved fruit fly optimization algorithm in MPPT control of wind turbine unit LI Dazhong,WU Feng (Department of Automation,North China Electric Power University,Baoding 071003,China) Abstract: In order to improve the optimizing efficiency and precision of fruit fly optimization algorithm(FOA),an improved step-length strategy is proposed aiming at the problems caused by the unbalanced searching ability of standard FOA in global scope. The strategy can dynamically adjust the moving step length of fruit fly during operation according to the optimal fruit fly position in current population, so that the searching ability of FOA is balanced in global scope,which improves convergence rate at initial stage and precision at later stage. After the simulation research for improved algorithm based on several kinds of classical test functions, the results show that while ensuring the success ratio of optimization, the convergence accuracy and speed of the algorithm proposed in the article are significantly improved. Besides, the application case of parameter optimization for sliding mode controller of wind turbine unit also indicated the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Keywords: FOA;wind turbine unit;sliding mode control;MPPT 收稿日期院2016-07-23曰收到修改稿日期院2016-09-23 作者简介:李大中渊1961-冤袁男袁内蒙古包头市人袁教授袁博士袁 研究方向为新能源发电系统控制尧智能优化理论及应用等遥 doi院10.11857/j.issn.1674-5124.2017.03.021 0 引 言 中国台湾学者潘文超受到果蝇觅食行为的启 发袁于 2011年提出了基于群体智能的果蝇优化算法[1] 渊fruite fly optimization algorithm袁FOA冤遥该方法实现 简单袁全局寻优能力较强袁寻优精度较高袁可应用于 科学计算和工程领域遥但是袁FOA算法与传统的优化 算法类似袁 仍存在初期有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站速度慢尧


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