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第 9 卷第 3 期 辽宁工程技术大学学报(社会科学版) V ol .9 , N o .3 2 0 0 7 年 5 月 Journal of Liaoning Technical University(Social Science Edition) M ay 2007 中国对外文化贸易的现状 、原因与对策 蒋晓梅 (沈阳大学 经济学院 , 辽宁  沈阳  110016) 摘要 :由于中国文化贸易连年逆差 , 产品结构与营销手段单一 , 更缺 乏名牌 企业与 名牌产品 , 文 化创新能 力极端 弱化 , 文化 产业的国际竞争力低下 , 专业人才严重匮乏 。 因此 , 中国要发展文化贸易 , 必须加快文化体制改 革与人才培 养的步伐 , 提高 文化产业的国际竞争力 , 通过立法保护知识产 权 , 并拓宽文化贸易的营销渠道 。 关键词 :文化贸易 ;逆差 ;文化产业 ;知识产权保护 中图分类号 :F 12  文献标识码 :A  文章编号 :1008-391X(2007)03 -0278 -03 Present situations , causes and countermeasures for Chinas foreign trade in culture JIANG Xiao -mei (College of Economics , Shenyang University , Sheny ang 110016 , China) Abstract :Now aday s , cultural trade functions as the eng ine for the economic development in many coun- tries w hile Chinas cultural trade has co ntinuously suffered deficit with its sing leness in product structure and marke ting means , the lack of fam ous enterprises and products , low ability in cultural innovatio n , dis- advantage in international co mpetitio n and talents deficiency .Therefo re w e m ust develo p our cultural trade by quickening the pace of its sy stem refo rm and talents training , improving its ability in interna- tional competition , protecting intellectual pro perty throug h law m aking and widening its marketing chan- nels . Key words:cultural trade ;deficit ;cultural industry ;pro tectio n of intellectual property 的货物贸易相比 , 则处于弱势地位 。 1  中国文化贸易的现状 1 .1  文化产品与服务出口比例小 , 贸易逆差严重 文化商品与服务的跨国交易 不仅可以增加国 ,   与商品贸易长久以来的顺


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