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2013年10月份中科院考博英语真题 考生须知及热身训练 考生须知: 一,本试卷由试卷一(PAPER ONE)和试卷二(PAPER TWO)两部分组成.试卷一为客观题,答卷使用标准化机读答 题纸;试卷二为主观题,答卷使用非机读答题纸. 二,请考生一律用HB或2B铅笔填涂标准化机读答题纸,划线 不得过细或过短,修改时请用橡皮擦拭干净.若因填涂不符合 要求而导致计算机无法识别,责任由考生自负.请保持机读答 题纸清洁、无折皱.答题纸切忌折叠。 三,全部考试时间总计180分钟,满分为100分.时间及分值分 布如下。 试卷一: I 词汇 1 5 分钟 l0 分 II 完型填空 15 分钟 l5 分 III 阅读 80 分钟 40 分 小计 1 l 0 分钟 6 5 分 试卷二: Iv 英译汉 30 分钟 1 5 分 v 写作 40 分钟 20 分 小计 70 分钟 35 分 中科院考博英语词汇热身训练 15. These concepts are still in their early stages of development, but historians of the future may well _____ our time by such terms as the nuclear age, the computer age or the age of space travel. A. add up to B. refer to C. contribute to D. stand up to 16. He _____ certain passages from the original book in the new edition. A. concluded B. included C. excluded D. secluded 17. Those grandchildren of mine are very high-spirited; it __to look after them for a whole day. A. wears me off B. wears me out 华慧考博—考博第一品牌 华慧网 考博咨询QQ:400 622 4468 第 1 页 共 3 页 C. gets me off D. wipes me out 18. He always does something casually. So casualness is a _____ in his character. A. proficiency B. defect C. virtue D. appendix 19. Im _____ pleased with his behavior. A. by any means B. by all means C. by no means D. by some means 20. If the present regulations are not effective, then others may have to be _____ force. A. brought out B. brought to C. brought into D. brought in 【华??考博独家解析】- 详细解析请购买《华慧中科院考博英语一本通》- 联系扣扣:4006224468 华慧考博—考博第一品牌 华慧网 考博咨询QQ:400 622 4468 第 2 页 共 3 页 中国科学院考博英语备考专题 2016年中国科学院考博英语VIP保过班-全程1对1辅导 考中科院更轻松! 2016年中国科学院考博英语协议全程班-5次1对1辅导 考中科院更轻松! 2016年中国科学院考博英语系统全程班


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