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34. Monte Carlo particle numbering scheme 1 34. MONTE CARLO PARTICLE NUMBERING SCHEME Revised June 2006 by L. Garren (Fermilab), I.G. Knowles (Edin- f. The sixth digit nr is used to label mesons radially excited burgh U.), S. Navas (U. Granada), P. Richardson (Durham U.), above the ground state. T. Sj¨ostrand (Lund U.), and T. Trippe (LBNL). g. Numbers have been assigned for complete nr =0S-and The Monte Carlo particle numbering scheme presented here is P -wave multiplets, even where states remain to be identi?ed. intended to facilitate interfacing between event generators, detector h. In some instances assignments within the qqˉ meson model simulators, and analysis packages used in particle physics. The are only tentative; here best guess assignments are made. numbering scheme was introduced in 1988 [1] and a revised i. Many states appearing in the Meson Listings are not yet version [2,3] was adopted in 1998 in order to allow systematic inclusion assigned within the qqˉ model. Here nq2?3 and nJ are of quark model states which are as yet undiscovered and hypothetical assigned according to the state’s likely ?avors and spin; all particles such as SUSY particles. The numbering scheme is used in such unassigned light isoscalar states are given the ?avor several event generators, e.g. HERWIG and PYTHIA/JETSET, and code 22. Within these groups nL =0, 1, 2,... is used to in the /HEPEVT/ [4] standard interface. distinguish states of increasing mass. These states are ?agged The general form is a 7–digit number: using n = 9. It is to be expected that these numbers will evolve as the nature of the states are elucidated. Codes are


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