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奇妙的英语双关语 孙 淼 (华北电力大学外国语学院,北京,102206) ABSTRACT: Pun is a common rhetoric skill. It is used in 一束美丽动人的奇葩。 varies of stylistics. The features of pun are: implicated and mild, 英语双关语是一种常用的修辞格,它利用谐音 vivid and active, humorous and interesting. It is very funny and 词、多义词或一句话等等,来表示明、暗两种不同 can use one expression to tell more than one meanings. The 的含义,或者借题发挥,旁敲侧击,由此及彼,从而 readers will feel this rhetoric of expression very interesting and 起到一种冷嘲热讽、形象生动、化抽象为具体的含 meaningful. To learn and master “pun”, it not only helps the 蓄作用,使语言表达充满了奇妙的韵味,增添了艺 English learner and reader coming to realize the English 术光彩。 language expressions, but also helps them learning a lot of knowledge about English culture, custom and social life. It can 2. 双关语的定义 stimulate the learner’s study interest and motivation, and 英语修辞学中,有关双关语(pun)的定义不尽 improve the learner’ reading comprehension and language 相同。在 Oxford English Dictionary 中,其定义为: appreciation. This paper focus on three aspects: the definition “The use of a word in such a way as to suggest two of pun, the classification of pun and the usage of pun. or more meanings or different association, or the use of two or more words of the same or nearly the same KEY WORDS:pun, classification, usage, appreciation sound with different meanings, so as to produce a 摘要:双关语是一种常见的修辞方式,在各种文体中均可见 humorous effect.”(用一个词去暗示两种或两种以上 到。其特点是含蓄委婉,生动活泼,诙谐有趣,幽默滑稽,一 的意义或引起不同的联想,或者用两个或两个以上


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