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小濠灣污水處理廠 資料一覽表 Fact Sheet for Siu Ho Wan Sewage Treatment Works 基本資料 Basic Information 一九九八年落成啟用 Commissioned in 1998 於二零零四年提升為化學強化一級處理廠 Upgraded to a chemically enhanced primary treatment works in 2004 為赤鱲角機場、東涌、愉景灣及香港迪士尼樂園大約二十萬市民提供污水處理服務 Designed to provide sewage treatment services for a population of 200,000 in Chek Lap Kok Airport, Tung Chung, Discovery Bay and the Hong Kong Disneyland 經處理的排放水主要參數 排放標準 Key Parameters of Treated Effluent Discharge Standards 設計流量 (Design Flow) 每日 180,000 立方米 (m3/day) 總懸浮固體 (Total Suspended Solids) ≤100 毫克/升 (mg/L) 五天生化需氧量 (5-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand) ≤100 毫克/升 (mg/L) 大腸桿菌 (E-coli) ≤20,000 個/100 毫升 (Count/100mL) 污水處理過程 Sewage Treatment Process - 幼隔篩和除砂池會清除污水內超過 6 毫米的固體廢物及砂礫 - Large solids (over 6mm), grit and sand removed from the sewage by fine screens and grit chambers - 化學劑於混合池內與污水混合,形成絮凝塊後在沉澱池中沉澱成污泥 - Chemicals mixed with the sewage inflow in the mixing chambers to form flocs, then settled in the sedimentation tanks as sludge - 在排放之前,經處理後的污水會經過紫外光消毒設施進一步改善水質 - Before discharge, effluent will pass through a UV disinfection facility to further improve the quality - 離心式脫水機將污泥脫水至含固體量最少達百分之三十,然後送往位於屯門的污泥處理設施 - Centrifuges are used to dewater the sludge to achieve a minimum dryness of 30%. The dewatered sludge will then be transported to the Sludge Treatment Facility in Tuen Mun - 為改善附近居民的生活環境及提供更優質的服務,廠內安裝了一系列除味設施,並配合氣味管 理系統 - To act proactively in an environmental manner and to provide a better service to nearby residents, an odour management system with a series of deodourizing facilities are installed 小濠灣污水處理廠太陽能發電場資料概覽 Fact Sheet for Solar Farm at Siu Ho Wan Sew


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