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PAGE 1 PAGE 14 可撓式基板捲式鍍膜設備及氧化銦錫(ITO)鍍膜開發 The Development of Roll-to-roll PVD Sputtering System and ITO Coating on Flexible Substrates 許恭銘 邱松茂 楊景富 謝志男 黃家宏 G.M. Hsu S.M. Chiu C.F. Yang J.N. Shieh C.H. Huang 金屬工業研究發展中心 Metal Industries Research and Development Centre 摘 要 目前國內可撓式薄膜產品所使用的材料與捲式鍍膜設備大多由美、德、日或歐洲掌控,售價動輒上億元新台幣,外商對於機台客製化設計與及時的後勤維修支援性較不足,讓國內廠商產品研發的腳步受到限制。 金屬中心以自主發展之真空抽氣系統、節流閥及濺鍍設備等之專利技術,再整合捲軸式送料定張力調控模組控制,成功完成捲式鍍膜量產系統之設計。進一步串聯整合及協助國內加工廠商建立次系統供應鏈體系(如靶源精密加工、磁控濺射源、真空腔體、真空電引入等),??發出國內第一套全自主設計製造之具壓差真空腔體、軟板傳輸及透明導電膜(TCO)鍍膜模組系統。藉由此捲式鍍膜設備已開發出,在 PET材料上被覆100nm氧化銦錫(ITO)鍍層厚度下,具高透光性(89%)及低面阻抗(50Ω/sq)高品質特性之ITO鍍膜。 關鍵詞:捲鍍設備、可撓式基板、透明導電膜 Abstract Most of the ITO film materials and roll-to-roll coating equipments imported almost from overseas developed country like USA, Germany or Japan. Each commercial roll-to-roll coating equipment costed domestic company at least several hundreds of millions NT dollars. However, the short of customizing design and real-time after service, there are many limitations for speeding up the marketing of new flexible electronics. MIRDC had integrated many own patents related with vacuum pumping design, throttle valve and sputtering source with very precise constant tension control modulus for roll-to-roll feeding system. MIRDC not only had completed the whole system design of roll-to-roll PVD sputtering equipment but also constructed the domestic supply chain of sub-system like precious machining, sputtering sources, vacuum chamber manufacturing and electric feeding through components. The high quality characteristic of ITO coating on PET substrate, the transmission 89% and sheet resistance 50Ω/sq at a film thickness of 100 nm, had been developed by this roll-to-roll coating equipment. Keywords: roll-to-roll coating equipment、flexible substrate、transparent conducting oxide 1. 前言 近年來觸控面板產業蓬勃發展,未來的ITO基板材料將由硬轉軟的方向進行,即是基材由玻璃轉向塑膠軟板,軟性電子(Flexible Electronics)技術將元件與電路製造在軟性基板上,讓終端產品具備柔軟及可彎曲等特性,實現了輕、薄、短、小等符合人性化與方便性的需求趨勢,帶給產業變革性的創新應用


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