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PAGE  PAGE 20 2012年中考英语答案 篇一:2012河南省中考英语试卷及答案 2012河南中考英语试卷及答案 篇二:2012年成都市中考英语试题及答案(word原版) 四川省成都市2012年中考英语试题 A卷(共100分) A卷I(选择题,共85分) 第一部分 听力部分 (共25小题,计25分) 一、听句子,根据所听到的内容选择正确答案。每小题念两遍。 (共6小题,每小题l分;计6分) 1.A.That’s OK.B.I’m fine,thanksC.How’s it going? Frank? 2.A.I’m fifteen years old.B.Happy New Year! C.I was born on June 5,1997. 3.A.Thank you!B.You are right. C.No, I don’t care. 4.A.That’s wonderful.B.Sorry,I won’t, C.You are welcome. 5.A.It’s my pleasure. B. Have a good trip. C.It doesn’t matter 6.A.Sure,I’d love to. B.Oh.I can’t say it. C.Sure, I dislike it. 二、听句子。选择与所听句子内??相符的圈片,并将代表图片的字母填在答题卡的相应位置。每小题念两遍。(共4小题,每小题l分;计4分 ) 7.8. l0.三、听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。每小题念两遍。(共l0小题,每小题l分; 计10分) 11. A. America. B. Canada. C. Australia. 12. A. At his home, B. At the school.C. In a hospital. 13. A. He doesn#39;t mind them.B. He can#39;t stand them. C. He is interested in them. 14. A. Anna. B. Anna#39;s father. C. Anna#39;s mother. 15. A. Rainy. B. Windy.C. Hot. 16. A. The lions. B. The pandas. C. The tigers. 17. A, The town. B. The City Newspaper.C. The best clothing store in town. 18. A. Across from Lucy#39;s house.B. Across from the library. C. Across from the bank. 19. A. A green sweater.B. A red sweater. C. A white sweater. 20. A, A film star.B. A policeman. C. A musician, 四、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。短文念三遍。(共5小题,每小题l分;计5分) 21. Who went to Paris for a holiday last week? A. Mr. Smith and his wife,B. Mr. Smith himself C. One of their friends. 22. Why couldn#39;t Kitty go to Paris? A. Because she liked crying. B. Because she didn#39; t like Paris. C. Because she couldn#39; t stay at a hotel. 23. Where did Kitty stay when Mr. and Mrs. Smith were away? A. In a small village. B. At a hotel.C. At home. 24. How did Mr. Smith get Kitty home? A. By taxi.B. By car.C. By train. 25. Why was the cat crying on the way back home? A. Because she didn#39; t know Mr. Smith. B. Because she didn#39;t want to visit Paris. C. Because she made


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